Do you see the failure of architecture as an outcome of the system of architectural education?
All schools are surprisingly similar, and every one is is more or less as good as any other. The more schools I see, the more cynical, or perhaps more reassured, I become of this. There is one difference, in that the tone in American schools is always more idealistic and much more positive and high-minded than in European schools. In European schools there is an innate cynicism almost everything, which on one hand is healthy, but on the other hand is silly.
One of the difficulties of being an American is that the substance of Europe can be interpreted to serve almost any theory with impunity, with immediate and practical verification. Europe is still a kind of myths and the authority of European architecture as an idyllic Eden before the fall is deeply ingrained in the mind of American teachers and students. Of course, we all need models and ideals, but this idealized vision of Europe is not as strong in Europe, because in Europe everybody knows the lack of culture, the lack of history, as an everyday effect.
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Redakce ctí v maximální možné míře svobodu slova, nicméně ve výjimečných případech si vyhrazuje právo smazat nebo opatřit komentářem příspěvek, který se netýká tématu diskuse, porušuje platné zákony ČR nebo dobré jméno portálu, obsahuje vulgarismy nebo má reklamní charakter.
All schools are surprisingly similar, and every one is is more or less as good as any other. The more schools I see, the more cynical, or perhaps more reassured, I become of this. There is one difference, in that the tone in American schools is always more idealistic and much more positive and high-minded than in European schools. In European schools there is an innate cynicism almost everything, which on one hand is healthy, but on the other hand is silly.
One of the difficulties of being an American is that the substance of Europe can be interpreted to serve almost any theory with impunity, with immediate and practical verification. Europe is still a kind of myths and the authority of European architecture as an idyllic Eden before the fall is deeply ingrained in the mind of American teachers and students. Of course, we all need models and ideals, but this idealized vision of Europe is not as strong in Europe, because in Europe everybody knows the lack of culture, the lack of history, as an everyday effect.