Ortíz García

Antonio Ortíz García

*1947Sevilla, Spain

Cruz y Ortiz arquitectos

C/ Santas Patronas 36, ES-41001 Sevilla
+34 954 50 28 25
+34 954 50 37 04
[email protected]
Hlavní obrázek
Antonio Ortiz was born in Seville, Spain, 1947. Ortiz was also graduated from the Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura in Madrid, 1974. Member of the Andalussian Architects' Association (num. 1206). After graduating he worked with Ricardo Aroca and Rafael Moneo. From 1974 they taught at the Escuela de Arquitectura, Seville. They also taught at pretigious institutions around the world, like Eidgenössische Technische Houchschule (ETH), Zurich, and Graduate School of Design at Harvard University.

Realizations and projects