Public transport terminal Nová Paka

Public transport terminal Nová Paka
Spolupráce:Lucie Galiová
Address: Kotíkova, Nová Paka, Czech Republic
Price:65 000 000 CZK

Contractor: Gardenline s.r.o.
Urban Furniture: mmcité, a.s.
The whole area is an important part of the town of Nová Paka and is intensively used by its inhabitants. The proposed urban design is based on the context of the site, i.e. on the structure, floor plan and type of functional use of the neighbouring area. The project complements the check-in building of the future Mass Transport Terminal along Kotíkova Street, which closes the street front by its proposed location, its curved shape reflects the natural shape of the street and preserves an important view of the surrounding monuments. Functionally, the building forms the centre of the new Public Transport Terminal and is located on the central island of the terminal’s circulation solution. It also separates the stations themselves from the street and the rest of the city. This clearly demarcates the space for buses. The terminal is designed as a bypass with one-way traffic. The Check-in Building is located in the centre, which also creates a canopy for the outdoor passenger check-in area. A waiting area within the building ensures full control of arriving buses and platforms. In addition, the building houses a public toilet and a B+R (Bike and Ride) bicycle storage system. P+R parking is available in the surrounding area.
Two separate spaces are designed within the check-in building. One will serve as a waiting room and the other (if not used in a similar way) can be used as a multifunctional space.
Loca Plan
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