Building upon Building

Nakladatelství: nai010 publishers
Rok vydání: 2016
ISBN: 9789462082847
Formát: 12 x 22 cm, 206 stran, brožovaná
Jazyk: english
Běžná cena: 500 Kč
Naše cena: 450 Kč (bez 0 % DPH: 450,00 Kč)
  18.29 € (bez 0 % DPH: 18,29 €)
Skladem: 0 ks (standardní doba expedice do 21 dnů)

45 contemporary European architects were given the task to design a fictional building expansion in line with the principles of the existing building. A relevant question in an era when architecture increasingly seems to occur without the context being taken into account.The result is a collection of dialogues between contemporary architects and the past. With contributions by Stephen Bates, Monadnock, Humblé Martens, OFFICE Kersten Geers en David van Severen, Nu Architectuuratelier, Office Winhov, and many more.
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