
427: Pavillions That Last / Fresh Today at the Local Market

Nakladatelství: C3 Publishing Co.
Rok vydání: 2024
Formát: 23 x 30 cm, 224 stran, brožovaný
Jazyk: English, Korean
Naše cena: 600 Kč (bez 0 % DPH: 600,00 Kč)
  24.1 € (bez 0 % DPH: 24,10 €)
Skladem: 0 ks (standardní doba expedice do 21 dnů)

New projects in this issue include the Panguipulli Educational Theatre in rural Chile, designed by a trio of Chilean architects; the renewal of the area around Plaza Gomila in Mallorca by MVRDV and GRAS Reynés Arquitectos; and Sou Fujimoto Architects’ Sky Mountain at the Haikou waterfront on China’s tropical Hainan Island. In addition, the issue has a feature on creating sustainable – rather than ephemeral – pavilions, plus new concepts for the local market: Targ Błonie Market, a park and bazaar under one roof in Poland; the Braga Municipal Market, with a new canopy over an old city square; and the Abastos Market rehabilitation in Tomelloso, Spain, by Studio Metamorphosis.

New Projects
Dazzling circle with walkable roof
- Sky Mountain Haikou Bay No.6 High Standard Seaside Station _ Sou Fujimoto Architects
- Closing the circle with Fujimoto _ Herbert Wright
Plastic units proliferate over peaceful space
- See Sea Park - Ohi Town Challenge Shop _ Osamu Morishita Architect & Associates
- Interview _ Osamu Morishita + Herbert Wright
Redevelopment creates diversity and ensemble
- Project Gomila _ MVRDV + GRAS Reynés Arquitectos
- Interview _ MVRDV and GRAS Reynés Arquitectos + Michele Woodger
Memorial journey in cubes
- Han Pao-Teh Memorial Museum _ KRIS YAO | ARTECH
- Interview _ Kris Yao + Herbert Wright
Theater widens access in rural Chile
- Panguipulli Educational Theater _ Leonardo Quinteros + Nicolás Norero + Tomás Villalón
- Interview _ Leonardo Quinteros, Nicolas Norero and Tomas Villalón + Michele Woodger

Pavilions that Last
Pavilions that Last _ Hee Joon Lee
- A timber Table for All
Serpentine Pavilion 2023, ‘A table’ _ Lina Ghotmeh – Architecture
- Interview _ Lina Ghotmeh + Herbert Wright
Blue pavilion challenging spatial confines
- Blue House _ Wei Chieh Kung + Lydia Ya-Chu Chang
- Interview _ Wei Chieh Kung and Lydia Ya-Chu Chang + Hee Joon Lee
Trees stacked vertically with historic wood
- Garden of Communities _ Hello Wood
Recycling one pavilion into another
- Folly for Sun and Sound _ Fala Atelier
- Moon Ra _ Leopold Banchini Architects

FreshTodayat theLocalMarket: Our Future
Fresh Today at the Local Market: Our Future _ Herbert Wright
A park and bazaar under one roof
- Targ Błonie Market _ Aleksandra Wasilkowska Architectural Studio
- Interview _ Aleksandra Wasilkowska + SoWon Kim
A play with memories put into action
- Abastos Market _ Studio Metamorphosis
New canopy roof tops an old city square
- Braga Municipal Market _ APTO Architecture
Efficiently organized space built with local materials
- Guadalupe Market _ Colectivo C733


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