El Croquis 222: David Chipperfield


Nakladatelství: El Croquis
Rok vydání: 2023
ISBN: 9788412532371
Formát: 24x34 cm, 302 stran, brožovaný, 2,1 kg
Jazyk: english, spanish
Web: https://elcroquis.es/products/222-chipperfield
Naše cena: 1600 Kč (bez 0 % DPH: 1 600,00 Kč)
  65.04 € (bez 0 % DPH: 65,04 €)
Skladem: 0 ks (standardní doba expedice do 21 dnů)

The magazine presents an overview of eight years in the evolution of David Chipperfield’s practice, leading up to his receiving the Pritzker Prize in 2023. It features a diverse range of exemplary projects from this period, including Kunsthaus Zürich, the Neue Nationalgalerie refurbishment and Bötzow Brewery in Berlin, restoration of the Procuratie Vecchie, Inagawa Cemetery Chapel and Visitor Centre in Hyogo Prefecture, Hoxton Press residential district in East London, and more. A conversation with Marina Tabassum and the architect adds insightful details to this examination of Chipperfield’s practice and recent work.

Carmen Würth Forum
Royal Academy of Arts Masterplan
Kunsthaus Zürich
Amorepacific Headquarters
Cavea Arcari
Neue Nationalgalerie Refurbishment
Inagawa Cemetery Chapel and Visitor Centre
Hoxton Press
The Bryant
Bötzow Brewery
Jacoby Studios New Headquarters
Morland Mixité Capitale
Procuratie Vecchie
The Ned