
Monica Adams

*1964, Netherlands

Bekkering Adams Architecten

Pelgrimsstraat 1, NL-3029 BH Rotterdam
+31 10 425 81 66
+31 10 425 89 46
[email protected]

EEA (1994 - 2004)

Hlavní obrázek
Monica Adams has graduated in 1989 with honor at the architectural department of the Technical University of Delft, the Netherlands. She gained international experience working in London. From 1991 she works with Mecanoo architecten, joining Erick van Egeraat in 1995 when he sets up his own office (EEA) Erick van Egeraat associated architects. She worked on several large-scale buildings, such as the FEM in Utrecht, the INHOLLAND Hogeschool in Rotterdam, the City Hall Alphen aan den Rijn and the Royal Dutch Embassy in Warsaw. Since January 2005 Monica Adams collaborates with Juliette Bekkering under the name Bekkering Adams architecten. Monica Adams taught and lectured at (inter) national architectural institutes, was member of Quality and Advisory teams and is frequently asked to participate in jury's, master classes and workshops.

Realizations and projects

Ichtus University of Applied Sciences

Rotterdam, 2000