The company PRESBETON is a leading Czech manufacturer of a wide range of concrete products – paving, accessories for communication, masonry elements, lost formwork, palisades and edging elements, decorative and slope blocks, urban furniture (benches, concrete seats, flowerpots, bike racks, trash bins), skate elements, and stair treads and outdoor prefabricated stairs. All products are eco-friendly, frost-resistant, and have a long lifespan.
The range complies with European harmonized standards (these products are marked with the CE mark), and selected products comply with national legislation. The company holds a quality management certificate ČSN EN ISO 9001:2009, an environmental management certificate ČSN EN ISO 14001:2005, is involved in the EKOKOM Joint Compliance System, and has production management system certificates in accordance with the Construction Products Directive – CPD.
Redakce ctí v maximální možné míře svobodu slova, nicméně ve výjimečných případech si vyhrazuje právo smazat nebo opatřit komentářem příspěvek, který se netýká tématu diskuse, porušuje platné zákony ČR nebo dobré jméno portálu, obsahuje vulgarismy nebo má reklamní charakter.