It is true that when two do the same thing, it is not the same. Awnings, one of the most popular forms of shading for terraces and gardens, are supplied to wholesalers and end customers by a number of companies in our country. We deliberately use the term supplied, not manufactured, because there is no purely Czech company that would manufacture and install awnings entirely in our country. Although some of them like to refer to themselves that way.
The truth is that all awnings on our market are assembled and mounted from components manufactured in various countries around the world. And you probably suspect that it matters where and by whom. For a project to be successful, two things must necessarily come together: the first is a quality product. And the second is quality installation.
We have the following proposal for you: golden Czech hands will install a top-class German awning. We have over twenty years of experience, trustworthy references, a high craft standard, and we can answer any question. See for yourself!