AV Monografías

132: Houses of the Masters

Nakladatelství: Arquitectura Viva
Rok vydání: 2009
ISSN: 0213487X
Formát: 136 stran, 24x30 cm, paperback
Jazyk: anglicky, španělsky
Naše cena: 600 Kč (bez 0 % DPH: 600,00 Kč)
  24,49 € (bez 0 % DPH: 24,49 €)
Skladem: 0 ks (standardní doba expedice do 28 dnů)

From Melnikov to Aalto, and from Schindler to Prouvé, the houses that these great masters of the 20th century have built for themselves have constantly proved to be an ideal testing ground to express and develop their interests and obsessions. An essential collection of architect’s private houses are surveyed here through photographs, comprehensive original documentation and a detailed analysis of these works by José María de Lapuerta, professor at the Madrid School of Architecture.
  • José María de Lapuerta: Ten Modern Experiences
  • 1921-1922 - Schindler House, Los Angeles (United States) - Rudolf M. Schindler
  • 1927-1929 - Experimental House, Moscow (Russia) - Konstantin Melnikov
  • 1932-1963 - VDL House, Los Angeles (United States) - Richard Neutra
  • 1936-1937 - Summer House, Stennäs (Sweden) - Gunnar Asplund
  • 1941-1942 - The Box, Lissma (Sweden) - Ralph Erskine
  • 1952-1953 - Brick House, Muuratsalo (Finland) - Alvar Aalto
  • 1954 - Prefabricated House, Nancy (France) - Jean Prouvé
  • 1961-1962 - Pavilion, Wiltshire (United Kingdom) - Alison & Peter Smithson
  • 1965-1968 - Dieste House, Montevideo (Uruguay) - Eladio Dieste
  • 1967-1985 - Summer Shelter, Bueu (Spain) - Ramón Vázquez Molezún


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