Interiors of a cabinet at Château Kromeriz

Interiors of a cabinet at Château Kromeriz
Address: Sněmovní nám. 1, Kroměříž, Czech Republic

Photo: Zdeněk Sodoma
Interior is one of the château and garden exhibits (a UNESCO world heritage site) comprising garden art, architecture, art gallery, library and music archives. Assignment was a space for a gradual presentation of a numismatic collection of approx. 10 400 coins of European personages portraits / the first collection on display features 11-18 century coinage of three archbishoprics - Mainz, Trier and Cologne. Utilitarian wooden library bookshelves from the 2nd half of the 20th century were preserved / nickel-plated guardrails were added / exposed and repaired historical floor boarding sets off un-restored Baroque ceiling murals / dim light, inhabitation, coating of dust and concentration / coins and medals are presented in display cabinets resembling huge coin magnifiers. Constructions and technologies - display cabinets from steel and layered glass, there is no need to physically bend to view the coins thanks to the appropriate height of the cabinets / each display cabinet can be rotated along its vertical and horizontal axes, the height of the base can be adjusted for installation purposes / static mobility and circular shapes reminiscent of the globes in château library.
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