Snímek z roku 1933. |
The Konsum building in Stockholm, dating back to the early thirties, was hailed at the time of its construction as a model factory in the functionalist style. Our design for the transformation of the disused production halls into offi ce space favoured both taking away from and adding to the building structure: 6 and 12 meter-wide slices opened the structure to bring light into the inner reaches and permit effi cient use of fl oor space. This improved the quality of the perimeter, thereby multiplying the commercial value of the complex, enhanced by a large semicircular addition.
The revitalisation project has restored Fatburen to its modernist aspect. It is an elongated plaster building punctuated by air wells and characterized by a horizontal alignment created by rows of windows running around the entire volume of the building. While featuring uniform fl oor plans designed for offi ce use, the longitudinal section reveals a high level of complexity in the form if terrace-like projections and set-backs.