Architect: Peter Zumthor
Coauthor: Piet Oudolf
Garden modifications:Piet Oudolf
Address: Kensington Garden, London, United Kingdom
Completion:1.7. - 16.10.2011

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hortus conclusus
| 14.07.11 08:19
na fotkách to pôsobí dosť depresívne - drevo natreté akýmsi čiernym dechtom ... a bude sa to v lete prehrievať. uzavreté záhrady a átriá starých kláštorov - to je o inej kontemplácii
Judita Šeruga
| 14.07.11 10:25
If I look deep under the "skin" of this object and the whole ambient, I cant feel what he talks about he wanted to express. I should feel the same he describes with his words, but I do not. It is like one of tipical houses in simply. Too simply for our complicated way of life in (developed) part of the word. Misleading for our feelings. And, please, dont tell me, that when I cant see what he want me to see, that something is wrong with my feelings...perhaps he should try better...
Michal Babic
| 18.07.11 10:53
maybe the path of life is not as comlicated as it seems to you it is
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