Villa of editor Jíše, U dívčích hradů 20, Prague-Smíchov, 1929 - with J. Havlíček
Villa of writer Fr. Langr, Nad cementárnou no. 23, Prague-Podolí, 1928
Housing cooperative houses, today's Ul. 5. května 37-41, Prague-Nusle, 1929-35 - with J. Havlíček
General Pension Institute, Prague-Žižkov, 1930-34 - with J. Havlíček), the first high-rise buildings in Prague, a significant example of Czech functionalism
Summer houses in Dobřichovice and Hlásná Třebáň
Modern Apartment, 1929
Design of the General Pension Institute in Prague, 1930 - with J. Havlíček
Buildings and Plans, 1931
collaboration on the book by F. R. S. Yorke,
The Modern House, 1932
General Pension Institute, 1934 - with J. Havlíček
Architecture as Physioplastic Creation, 1937 - separate from the journal Stavba
Introduction to the Study of Psychological Functions in Architecture, 1944
Towards a New Style of Life, 1945
Creation of a Style of Life, 1946, 1947, 1976 - his most famous book
Necessism: The Idea of Rational Consumption, 1946
On the Scientific Theory of Architecture, 1950 - separate from the journal Architecture of Czechoslovakia
Architecture for Everyone, 1956
Determinants of Architectural Creation, 1957
What is a Style of Life, 1958
Towards Socialist Architecture, 1960 - compliant with the ideology of the time
From the Life of the Avant-Garde, 1963 - a commemorative publication
a series of articles in the magazines Stavba, Volné směry, Přítomnost, Architecture of Czechoslovakia, Czechoslovak Architect
so-called theoretical projects: e.g., Domurbia, 1965