Residential Towers

Autor: Felix Jerusalem, Mike Guyer, Annette Gigon
Nakladatelství: gta Verlag
Rok vydání: 2016
ISBN: 978-3-85676-349-7
Formát: 24 x 28 cm, 352 stran, brožovaná
Jazyk: anglicky
Běžná cena: 2000 Kč
Naše cena: 1600 Kč (bez 0 % DPH: 1 600,00 Kč)
  65,31 € (bez 0 % DPH: 65,31 €)
Skladem: 0 ks (standardní doba expedice do 21 dnů)

With the increasing densification of the cities, high-rise accommodation is gaining in importance. Climatic, constructional and social challenges have often led to highly innovative solutions for the residential tower, as a recent architectural type that is still constantly evolving. This selection of 80 architecturally exemplary tower blocks on five continents makes it possible to compare various different approaches. Buildings ranging in time from the 1930s to the present are each portrayed with plans, photographs and short texts, along with biographical notes on the architects. The introduction and three essays discuss various aspects of the development and significance of the residential tower in the international context.

Majestic Apartments - New York - USA 1929-31
860-880 Lake Shore Drive Apartments-Chicago-USA 1948-51
Price Tower-Bartlesville - USA 1952-56
Marina City-Chicago - USA 1959-64
Peabody Terrace-Cambridge-USA 1962-64
Crawford Manor-New Haven-USA 1962-66
Lake Point Tower-Chicago-USA 1965-68
John Hancock Center-Chicago-USA 1965-69
8 Spruce Street-New York-USA 2003-10
Habitat '67-Montreal-Canada 1964-67
Absolute Towers-Mississauga-Canada 2006-12
Edificio Louveira-Säo Paulo-Brazil 1946-49
Ed if icio COPAN-Säo Paulo-Brazil 1951-66
Edificio Niemeyer-Belo Horizonte-Brazil 1954-55
Edificio Guaimbe-Säo Paulo-Brazil 1964
Edificio Residencial Jaraguä-Säo Paulo-Brazil 1984
Immeuble Asayag-Casablanca-Morocco 1930-32
Ponte-Johannesburg-South Africa 1969-75
Harumi Apartments-Tokyo-Japan 1956-58
Nakagin Capsule Tower-Tokyo-Japan 1970-72
Gifu Kitagata Apartment Building-Motosu-Japan 1994-98
Ardmore Habitat-Singapore 1980-85
The Colonnade-Singapore 1980-86
The Pinnacle@Duxton-Singapore 2001-09
Kent Vale Faculty Housing-Singapore 2007-12
The Met Tower-Bangkok-Thailand 2003-09
Kanchanjunga Apartments-Mumbai-lndia 1970-83
Sui Wo Court-Hong Kong 1970-81
Vertical Courtyard Apartments-Hangzhou-China 2001-07
Grå punkthus på Södra Guldheden-Gothenburg-Sweden 1950-52
Tower Hus i Ortdrivaren - Kiruna - Sweden 1961-66
Dronningegärden og Christiansgarden-Copenhagen- Denmark 1942-58
Cluster Block at Claredale Street, Bethnal Green - London - UK 1954-57
Residential Towers of the Barbican Estate Redevelopment-London-UK 1956-76
Flats at 26 St James’s Place - London - UK 1958-60
Grindelhochhäuser - Hamburg - Germany 1946-56
Wohnhochhäuser Romeo und Julia-Stuttgart-Germany 1954-59
Wohnhochhaus im Hansaviertel, Klopstockstrasse-Berlin-Germany 1955-57
Wohnhochhaus im Hansaviertel, Bartningallee-Berlin-Germany 1957-60
Hochhaus Neue Vahr-Bremen-Germany 1958-62
Wohnbebauung Märkisches Viertel-Berlin-Germany 1962-67


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