Project of the chapel in Miljana by Portuguese architect, winner of the Pritzker Prize - Álvaro Siza. Andrija Rusan (Rusanov ured) also participated in the project as local architect. Álvaro Joaquim Melo Siza Vieira was born in Matosinhos (near Porto), in 1933. From 1949-55 he studied at the School of Architecture, University of Porto. He taught at the School of Architecture (ESBAP) from 1966-69 and was appointed Professor of "Construction" in 1976; he also taught at the School of Architecture of Porto. He is a member of the American Academy of Arts and Science, "Honorary Fellow" of the Royal Institute of British Architects, AIA/American Institute of Architects, Académie d'Architecture de France and European Academy of Sciences and Arts and American Academy of Arts and Letters. In 1992, he was awarded with the renowned Pritzker Prize for the renovation project in the Chiado area of Lisbon. Other prizes include: The Golden Medal of The Superior Council of Architecture of the College of Architects of Madrid in 1988; Mies van der Rohe Award for European Architecture, the Prince of Wales Prize in Urban Design from Harvard University, and the Alvar Aalsto Medal in 1988; Portugal's National Prize of Architecture 1993; the Arnold W. Brunner Memorial Prize by the American Academy of Arts and Letters and the Praemium Imperiale in 1998, the Wolf Prize in Arts in 2001, the Urbanism Special Grand Prize of France 2005.
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