Architect and educator Jiří Buček has been active at the Faculty of Art and Architecture since 2002, where he has led the architectural design studio since that year. In 2015, he obtained his habilitation at the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University in Prague. At FUA TUL, he is the guarantor of the doctoral study program A+U. Since 1995, he has also been working as an architect and managing director of the architectural studio SIAL architects and engineers in Liberec.
1978-83 - studied at the FA VUT in Brno
1984-89 - designer at Stavoprojekt Liberec, studio 03, chief designer since 1987
1990-93 - foreign internship at the studio of Prof. Wilhelm Holzbauer in Vienna
since 1995 - partner at SIAL office in Liberec
since 2000 - managing director at SIAL office in Liberec