Organizer Capital City of Prague, Mariánské náměstí 2, 110 00 Prague 1
Competition Secretary Law Office Kříž and Bělina s.r.o., Dlouhá 13, 110 00 Prague 1 tel: 224 819 340, fax: 224 819 344
Subject of the Competition Preparation of an architectural design for "Revitalization of the buildings at Mariánské náměstí in Prague 1 – Old Town". The aim of the competition is to find the most architecturally and operationally advantageous use of two buildings in the square - the New Town Hall and the Clam-Gallas Palace, with regard to the surrounding buildings and the space of Mariánské náměstí.
New Town Hall (Mariánské nám.2/2, Prague 1)
It will continue to be the seat of elected and executive bodies, representing the representative seat of the mayor, the City Council, and other top executive bodies of the capital city of Prague. The design should present the most appropriate and gentle solution for the overall rehabilitation of the building, removing inappropriate interventions and finding the architecturally highest quality form of spatial modifications in both the interior and exterior, prompted by the needs of the democratic operation of the current municipal self-government and the necessary flexibility of 21st-century technologies.
Clam-Gallas Palace (Husova 20/158, Prague 1) It represents a unique baroque monument of European significance, preserved in a very authentic form. The design should present the most appropriate and gentle solution for the overall heritage rehabilitation of the palace after the cessation of operations of the Archive of the capital city of Prague, rectifying inappropriate construction and technical interventions and finding the architecturally highest quality form of spatial and operational modifications in both the interior and exterior (courtyards and gardens), prompted by the task of making the palace accessible to the public by situating exhibition, exhibition, representative, and supplementary operations and the necessary domestic technology of the 21st century.
Mariánské náměstí, Prague 1 Due to the development of transport and tourism, the current solution of the square does not correspond to its original cultural and social significance. The design should present a conceptual solution for the modification of the square while respecting external traffic and urban relationships in the addressed area.
Jury Regular members of the jury
Ing. Ladislav Tomeš
Ing. Jan Kněžínek
Ing. Ivan Vinš
Doc. Ing. arch. Jakub Cigler
Ing. arch. Otakar Dvořák
Ing. arch. David Wittassek
Ing. arch. Ján Štempel
Substitutes of the jury
Ing. Jiří Toman
PhDr. Michael Zachař
Ing. Pavel Jaroš
Ing. arch. Zdeněk Lukeš
Ing. Petr Kochmann
Ing. arch. Alexandr Kotačka
Ing. arch. Jiří Merger
Expected Prizes and Awards
1st prize is set at 300,000 CZK
2nd prize is set at 200,000 CZK
3rd prize is set at 100,000 CZK
Date of announcement of the competition: July 31, 2009
Deadline for submission of questions: until August 17, 2009
Deadline for answering questions: August 22, 2009
Submission date for competition designs: September 29, 2009 by 12:00
Date of the jury's evaluation meeting: until October 7, 2009