The exhibition's exposition shrouds individual thematic groups of photographs in separate environments, which together create the outer shell of the exhibition within a common compositional whole. This dual environment does not present the visual material to the viewer all at once, but preserves an intimate space for each theme and, along with complementary elements of the exhibition, forms a staged entirety.
The unique internal environment of individual cells is complemented by the exhibited themes. The objects are made up of prefabricated wooden panels. The individual elements are covered with non-woven fabric. The color of the geotextile corresponds to the direct purpose of the specific panel. Black serves for environments where we do not want light, while white is for installations with diffuse or direct lighting.
The installation composed of panels breaks up the exhibition space into an urbanized environment. The wooden structure of the panels rhythmically repeats, giving the exhibition hall a scale.
In addition to the exhibition objects themselves, the exhibition also includes supplementary installations that will serve as furniture or building blocks for the youngest visitors.
Exhibition Concept: Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma, Vendula Tůmová / BoysPlayNice Vojtěch Dorňák, Luděk Szórád / Kloboucká lesní s. r. o. Jan Mach, Jan Vondrák / Mjölk architekti
Photography: Jakub Skokan, Martin Tůma / BoysPlayNice
Exhibition Curator: Vendula Tůmová / BoysPlayNice
Architectural Solution: Jan Vondrák, Jan Mach / Mjölk architekti
Graphic Design: Lenka Mičolová Exhibition Implementation and Installation: Radim Černín / Kloboucká lesní s. r. o.