August 27, 2010 - Minister Besser rejected the appeal of the Czech Railways and upheld the May decision of the ministry, which declared the building of the Ústí nad Orlicí railway station a cultural monument. The ministry conducted administrative proceedings in recent years, demonstrating that the station building has undeniable heritage values, despite the disapproval of the railways.
January 3, 2011 - Besser dismissed long-time director of the heritage inspection Jiří Varhaník. He was dissatisfied with the existing work of the inspection, which is the oversight body of the Ministry of Culture, and with insufficient collaboration with other departments of the ministry and with regional and municipal heritage care authorities. The inspection, according to the minister, had only sporadically informed about the findings obtained during oversight in recent years, complicating the work of other authorities as a result.
May 26, 2011 - The minister allowed the demolition of the building at the corner of Opletalova Street and Wenceslas Square in Prague, deciding to respect the recommendations of the departmental appeals committee. The demolition was originally permitted by Prague's heritage authorities with conditions, but the Ministry of Culture annulled their decision earlier this year. The minister's decision triggered a strong wave of discontent among some experts and the public, but Besser announced at the end of September that the proceedings would not be resumed for procedural reasons, as the administrative code does not allow it.
October 19, 2011 - The Ministry of Culture declared only part of the Gothic cellars near Prague's National Boulevard a cultural monument. The declaration to such an extent was requested by an investor who wants to build a multifunctional structure called Copa Center at the site. The ministry declared the entire cellars a monument at the turn of the year, but Minister Jiří Besser canceled the decision and returned the matter for new proceedings.