From October 5 to November 20, 2016, the first exhibition of the renowned Japanese architect Kengo Kuma in Central Europe is taking place at the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery in Prague. The Jaroslav Fragner Gallery is organizing the exhibition in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture of the Czech Technical University and under the auspices of the Embassy of Japan in the Czech Republic. The exhibition mainly showcases projects for the European continent. A lecture by Kengo Kuma at the Bethlehem Chapel and a student workshop led by Mamiyou Tanaka from Kengo Kuma and Associates (October 2–5, 2016) preceded the opening of the exhibition, resulting in a small bamboo pavilion at the entrance to the Bethlehem Chapel complex.
In a packed schedule, Professor Kengo Kuma provided us with the following interview on Wednesday, October 5, 2016, conducted by Zdena Zedníčková from the Faculty of Art and Architecture in Liberec.