Tisková zpráva
27.09.2017 08:20
Bob Allies
Allies & Morrison

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"Building in Cities and the Construction of Cities" - on this topic, one of the founders of the renowned London studio Allies and Morrison will speak during his visit to the Czech Republic. Bob Allies, along with the director of the Design Museum in London, Deyan Sudjic, accepted the invitation from the Bakala Foundation and the Kaplicky Centre Foundation to select the best work from the Kaplicky Internship 2017 architectural competition. The author of the winning work will be announced after the lecture and will receive a three-month internship at Allies and Morrison studio. Attendees of the lecture, which will take place on October 5, 2017, at 6 PM in the DOX Centre for Contemporary Art, can look forward not only to insights from prominent figures in global architecture on contemporary urbanism but also to the announcement of the competition results.
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