

0 yesterday | 7 tips for metal ceilings that Chat GPT doesn't even know about yet..
0 yesterday | Czech Lípa will start the renovation of Škroupovo Square this year, estimating the costs at 70 million CZK
0 yesterday | The Club for Old Prague advocates for the declaration of Prager buildings as cultural monuments
0 yesterday | New luxury office space for rent in the center of Prague
0 yesterday | Martin Strakoš: Brutalism in Concrete, Steel, and Brick
0 yesterday | <div>Apartment buildings in Žďár nad Sázavou showcase the advantages of prefabricated structures made from CLT panels</div>
0 yesterday | Moravská Třebová will begin the transformation of the dairy complex into a creative center this year
0 yesterday | <Vinohradské divadlo> will move to the <Radiopaláce> during the reconstruction
0 02.02. | Fosbury Architecture: +10 - lecture at the VI PER Gallery
0 02.02. | Library for the 21st Century
0 01.02. | "The Ocean Dome" will move to the Maldives after the Expo ends
0 31.01. | Galerie of the Central Bohemian Region wants to build a guesthouse in its premises
0 31.01. | The Czech Architecture Prize will have a new trophy; the design is being selected in a competition
0 31.01. | In Litomyšl, the reconstruction of the historic house U Rytířů has begun after years of preparation
0 31.01. | The reconstruction of the cultural house in Ostrov revealed historical colored plasters
0 31.01. | The author of the Serpentine Gallery's summer pavilion 2025 will be Marina Tabassum
0 31.01. | FUA is celebrating 30 years
0 31.01. | 10th Annual Czech Architecture Award - Submission of Applications
0 31.01. | After more than 20 years of preparations, the new zoning plan for Brno has come into effect today
0 30.01. | Prague plans to reconstruct the main road and Ječná from Nusle Bridge to the Museum