IPR Prague announced a tender for an architectural-landscape study for the integration of flood protection for Prague Zoo into the floodplain landscape of the Troja Valley and the design of adjacent public spaces and landscapes (considering the migration of protected species, routing of conflicting recreational waterfront trails, public spaces, and heritage-protected sites). Applicants can apply until August 12, 2019 - here. The team working on the study should consist of an architect, a landscape architect, and a traffic engineer. The team composition may be international. The preparation of the study will involve close cooperation with a water management engineer (a separate contract), who is responsible for both the water management solution for flood protection and the collection and methodology for coordinated assessment of all intentions in the area based on flood models. Within the tender, emphasis is placed on the quality and experience of the processing team. The portfolio of projects of team members will be evaluated (35%), professional approach - a written document demonstrating the applicant's approach and experience (35%), and the offered price (30%). The study is expected to commence in late September 2019, with completion anticipated by the end of 2020. Applicants can apply for the tender until August 12, 2019, at 10:00 AM. The maximum price for the contract is 1.8 million CZK excluding VAT.