Young architects will bring "abandoned industrial" to life

6th year of the Young Architect Award competition starts

Tisková zpráva
24.02.2014 08:05

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Prague - Participants in this year's international talent competition Young Architect Award 2014 face a challenging task, which is to revive unused manufacturing facilities and technical areas. Interested students and young architects who have not exceeded the age of 33 can submit their works on the theme "Pain Points of Cities and Towns – Abandoned Industrial Sites" starting from February 20, 2014. Contestants should not only process the project itself but also appropriately identify and seek out problematic sites from among abandoned areas of factories, warehouses, ports, or train stations. The projects could help initiate a discussion about future construction among city residents and representatives. The patron of the competition has become the world-renowned Czech artist, architect, and designer Bořek Šípek.
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