Renovation of Smiřických Square in Kostelec nad Černými lesy - announcement of a competition
Source MěÚ Kostelec nad Černými lesy
Publisher Tisková zpráva
18.03.2013 10:55
The subject of the competition is to obtain a project that will enable the restoration of the original significance of the most important public space in the city.
Organizer: City of Kostelec nad Černými lesy, náměstí Smiřických 54, 28163; authorized representative of the organizer: Ing. Jan Svatoš - mayor Competition Secretary: Ing. Jan Svatoš, Prokopova 1095, Kostelec nad Černými lesy, 28163, tel: 602527324, e-mail: [email protected]
Jury Ing. arch. Jan Línek MgA. Marek Kopeć Ing. arch. MgA Jan Žalský, independent Ing. arch. Lucie Vogelová, independent Ing. arch. Michal Kuzemenský, independent
Substitutes Ing. Jana Havelková MgA. Jakub Chuchlík, independent
Estimated total prizes and awards: 260 thousand CZK
Dates Date of competition announcement: March 15, 2013 Commented site visit: March 22, 2013 at 2 PM in Kostelec nad Černými lesy in front of the church Deadline for submitting questions: April 8, 2013 Deadline for answers to questions: April 22, 2013 Submission of competition proposals: June 14, 2013 by 1 PM at the municipal office in Kostelec nad Černými lesy Date of the jury's evaluation session: June 20 - 21, 2013 Date of approval of the competition's regularity by ČKA: March 14, 2013
Our city has been striving for the revitalization of Smiřických Square for over ten years. There is a study from 1999, we have period photos of the square, a dendrological survey is available, the architectural-historical development of the square is documented, and last but not least, the results of a survey – the questionnaire was published in the Černokostelecký newsletter and on the city’s website. Smiřických Square is a unique public space; the city has its central part that respects the rural character, and some may feel that there is nothing to improve here. However, several problems do arise, pointed out not only by the residents of Kostelec but also by perceptive visitors and experts – it is transportation (personal, freight cars, and buses), parking (some find there are too few parking spaces, while others find there are too many). Another issue is the greenery in the square – some do not find the "wooded" square suitable, while others do. The fact that the square needs a complete renewal is something we can probably all agree on, but whether there is too much or too little greenery, whether the existing paths through the park are suitable or if the park should be modified, and whether transportation can be resolved differently and better, opinions vary. And that is the reason why we are going the route of an architectural competition for the renewal of Smiřických Square. Through this form, we want to engage experts and obtain proposals from them that will not only address the aforementioned problems but also suggest a renewal that will ensure the square not only retains its uniqueness reflecting the rich history of the city but also serves functions corresponding to current needs and demands. As part of the preparations, I am asking about the results of the survey conducted by architect Marek Kopeć, who is preparing the architectural competition for us: The survey met our expectations and provided a clear signal from the residents of Kostelec about their views on the current state of the square, what they value, and what bothers them. The most frequently mentioned problem is heavy traffic, the unsuitable design and placement of bus stops, the absence of public toilets, the lack of clarity in the square, and the shortage of reasons to "stay" in the square. All these issues are interconnected, but the latter reason is perceived as the most serious. Additionally, there were several mentions of the gap at the corner of Kutnohorské Street, which is like a missing tooth in the square. Conversely, the amount of greenery, especially in the part behind the church, was rated positively. We dedicated considerable space to this topic during the preparation of the competition conditions and materials. We consulted the health status and suitability of the location of trees with a dendrologist and garden architect, and we selected an experienced garden architect for the evaluation jury. Unfortunately, it turned out that some trees are in poor, even dangerous condition, and some are planted in unsuitable locations; their maintenance in the current state is costly, which means some interventions will be necessary. The results of the survey will be available to the competing architects as one of the starting materials. What’s next? The jury members have been chosen, including both dependent members (representatives of the city) and independent experts from the Czech Chamber of Architects, including substitutes. We anticipate the announcement of the competition in mid-March, and there will be 8 weeks for the preparation of proposals, so the conclusion will be around mid-May. Then it will be up to the jury to select the three best proposals, from which the most acceptable for our city will be chosen – here, both the quality of the proposal and the financial feasibility will be decisive. After the announcement of the competition results, an exhibition of all submitted projects will be organized.
Jana Havelková, Deputy Mayor
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