Announcement of the architectural competition for the revitalization of the embankment in Litomyšl
Source Nadace Proměny
Publisher Tisková zpráva
20.02.2013 11:55
Prague, Litomyšl – The Proměny Foundation in collaboration with the City of Litomyšl announces a public architectural competition "Proměny Foundation Award 2013." The subject of the competition is the development of a proposal for the renewal of the Loučná River Embankment. The results of the competition are expected to be known in August, and the selected proposal will serve as a basis for the realization of the transformation of the Litomyšl embankment. This extensive project, which includes the organization of this architectural competition, is supported by the foundation with a grant of up to 25 million CZK.
The architectural competition "Proměny Foundation Award 2013" is announced as a public, two-round competition. The deadline for submitting competition proposals in the first round is April 25. Interested participants can find all details and materials on the foundation's website. The proposals will be evaluated by a five-member jury composed of independent experts and representatives of the City of Litomyšl and the Proměny Foundation. A maximum of five competition proposals will advance to the second round.
“I consider architectural competitions to be the most important procedure in managing public affairs related to investment construction,” says jury member Ing.arch. Antonín Novák. The jury chairman MgA. Ing.arch. Michal Fišer adds: “Architectural competitions are not something new in Litomyšl; they are a continuation of the permanent interest of the city representatives in meaningful cultivation of public space, a continuation of a long-term considered concept of a residential beautiful city.”
The project for the renewal of the Loučná River Embankment has been prepared with the support of the Proměny Foundation throughout the last year. Thanks to a detailed sociological survey, which included several workshops, questionnaires, and a public discussion, it was possible to gather opinions and wishes from a broad spectrum of Litomyšl residents. The processed outputs from the public are part of the competition materials that architects will work with. Jitka Přerovská, director of the Proměny Foundation states: “This can result not only in an architecturally interesting project but also in a place that the city's residents have co-created. They will have a relationship with it, and the space will meet their needs. This is what we consider essential at the foundation and a method still overlooked in the Czech Republic that can ensure further functionality and sustainability of public space.”
The main idea of the competition assignment is “dialogue between the river and the city”. The intent of Litomyšl is to make the Loučná River as accessible as possible and to create a pleasant urban space for leisure activities in the surrounding area. The survey revealed that locals wish to preserve the natural character of the place as much as possible. The area on the Water Ramparts is located near the historical center of Litomyšl, the municipal cultural house, secondary schools, and housing estates and is also an important transit point. The planned transformation should connect with the part of the embankment addressed in previous years by architect Josef Pleskot.
The City of Litomyšl's project won in the last grant call of the Parks program. Through this, the Proměny Foundation has been helping with the development of urban greenery since 2006. The "Proměny Foundation Award 2013" is the fourth year of the architectural competition in which the foundation advocates for the development of Czech cities.