The Architecture Gallery continues to present contemporary European/world architecture. The next exhibition will showcase the emerging Spanish generation of architects – the Catalan studio BAND (Barcelona Architecture 'N' Design). BAND surprises with fresh and interesting creations. The studio was recently formed from the fusion of three architectural offices and unites a group of five architects. Josep Ferrando Bramona, Olga Felip, and Josep Camps, as well as Eugeni Bach with his wife Anna, draw upon the philosophy and atmosphere of the Catalan metropolis. Their buildings combine local culture, entrepreneurship, effort, education, and passion.
“The common ground of the architects at studio BAND is Catalonia, Barcelona, and Girona. Their work is significantly influenced by the landscape potential, traditions, and customs. Despite a shared opinion on architecture, their creations are unique and diverse,” says one of the curators, Rastislav Udžan.
“The architectural group BAND has received numerous accolades on the world stage. The prestigious magazine Wallpaper included the Catalan duo Josep Camps and Olga Felip in its August issue on the list of twenty most promising young creators and studios from around the world for 2014. The August issue of DOMUS magazine publishes its selection of the best recreational houses, which features the extension and reconstruction of the weekend house Casa Anoro in the municipality of Sant Esteve de Palautordera, near Barcelona, by architects Anna and Eugenia Bach,” adds Gabriel Kurtis from the Architecture Gallery Brno.
The exhibition was prepared in collaboration with members of the free creative group BAND by the Cabinet of Architecture and the Gallery of Fine Arts in Ostrava for the international festival of architecture, design, and art ARCHIKULTURA 2014 in Ostrava. The curators of this exhibition were Tadeáš Goryczka, Jaroslav Němec, and Rastislav Udžan.
The exhibition will be opened on Wednesday, September 24, 2014, at 6:00 PM at the Architecture Gallery Brno at Starobrněnská 18. The exhibition will be accessible daily from 10 AM to 6 PM until October 24, 2014.
After the opening, visitors can look forward to the newly opened culinary space MFG – Minimalistische Feste Gruppe – a culinary experience without compromises, accessible directly from the hall of the Architecture Gallery or by stairs from the courtyard behind Poutník. The home-style cuisine (“osterie” like in Rome) utilizes commonly available urban fresh ingredients to prepare dishes based on French, Italian, and Moravian family recipes. It showcases the harmony of food, wine, and environment in a minimalist fashion. A cozy and entirely non-smoking space in the heart of Brno, with a veranda, terrace, and collaboration with young graduates from architectural faculties in Brno and Ostrava promises an extraordinary experience of the renewal of Czech culinary tradition.