Workshop 1:1 in Kaštieľský Park - call for participation
Source o.z. WOVEN
Publisher Tisková zpráva
26.04.2017 20:25
Architecture and design students can register for the design&build workshop through the organizers' website. 1:1 WORKSHOP is an educational event for architecture and design students focused on the design and implementation of unusual objects in public spaces. The fifth edition of the event will take place from August 1 to 12, 2017, once again at a new location, in the Kaštieľský park in Stupava. The main goal of the 1:1 WORKSHOP is to pull students out of the stereotypical schoolwork done on computers and provide them with experience in real scale and materials. Participants will experience an intense process of designing and subsequently implementing a wooden object. The packed 11-day program full of activities, lectures, and discussions begins with analyses, sketches, and models, continues with the design of a specific solution and its structural design, and ends with the realization of the designed object. Students from both domestic and foreign schools, under the guidance of lecturers Tobias Foged Permina (Denmark) and Ransu Helenius (Finland), will acquire practical skills as well as the ability to work in a team, discuss, and manage a project from the conceptual to the realization phase. During the event, students will create a piece open to a wide range of uses and interpretations by visitors of the Kaštieľský park. The workshop is conducted in English and is an elective subject at the Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava. The ECTS credit system allows students from other universities to earn credits as well. Online registration, additional information, and photographs from previous years are available on the website Comprehensive services (food and accommodation) are provided for participants during the workshop. Until April 30, a special early bird price of €149 applies; after this date, the participation fee will increase to €199.
Current information: Contact: [email protected]
Organizer: o.z. WOVEN Co-organizer: City of Stupava Partners: Engineering Cabinet, KAT, VŠVU, Faculty of Architecture STU in Bratislava The project is financially supported by: Fond na podporu umenia, Bratislava Self-Governing Region, Tatra Bank Foundation.
The civic association WOVEN is a group of four female architects (Anna Cséfalvay, Marianna Maczová, Danica Pišteková, and Veronika Trnovská) with a common interest in breaking down and transcending the boundaries of architecture and its common interpretations. Alongside their own work, they have been organizing the 1:1 WORKSHOP since 2013.