Urban Interventions Ostrava 2013 - presentation of projects
Source Martin Lindovský / Cooltour Ostrava
Publisher Tisková zpráva
13.01.2014 17:45
City Interventions Ostrava 2013 have rolled over into 2014, which means that we are looking forward to the authors' presentations of individual proposals. After a very successful opening, we are pleased to invite you to three dates during January (see the invitation in the attachment), where the authors will share the ideas that led to the creation of their specific proposals for urban interventions in the streets of Ostrava. Mr. Matúš Vallo, one of the founders of the original project in Bratislava, will also speak, for example. The first authors' presentations will take place on Wednesday, January 15, 2014 from 5:30 PM to 7:00 PM at the Cooltour Multi-Genre Center gallery.
Dominik T. Petr / Architectural Group OVA (15 min) Intervention 38/ Komenského sady – concentration of sensitive energy Intervention 39/ Bridges in front of Svinov station – Gateway to Ostrava Intervention 40/ TGM Square – Vitalizer of the center
Martin Chválek / OSA project (5 min) Intervention 15/ Zoo lookout tower, Ostrava - Michálkovice
Hana Arletová (5 min) Intervention 20/ Café Šelest, Ostrava-Zábřeh
David Kotek / Project Studio EUCZ (15 min) Intervention 42/ Reconversion of housing estate into a city, Ostrava-Poruba Intervention 43/ Angel Tunnel, Ostrava-Třebovice Intervention 44/ Tribute to the Božena Němcová Garden, Ostrava-Přívoz
Tomáš Janča / OSA project (5 min) Intervention 27/ Vítkovice station – transport museum
Eliška Macková (10 min) Intervention 46/ Shared streets Zámecká – Nádražní – Na Karolině, Moravská Ostrava Intervention 45/ SIDEWALK…You can handle it yourself!