Líbeznice - A new school building was established in Líbeznice near Prague, which will serve 600 students. It is intended not only for local children but also for students from six surrounding municipalities - Měšice, Bašť, Předboj, Nová Ves, Zlonín, and Bořanovice. The previous maximum capacity of the school was about 1000 students, and after the new building is operational, it will be 500 more. The new building needed to be constructed due to a dramatic increase in the number of children enrolling in the school in recent years, stated Líbeznice Mayor Martin Kupka (ODS) to ČTK. The new building will be opened to the public on Saturday afternoon.
"It became clear in the spring of 2017 that a new school would need to be built by September 2019. From that point on, the relentless countdown began. If construction stalled at any point, more than 100 children would be learning in tents or outside from September," said Kupka.
Starting in September, students will occupy two dozen classrooms in the new building. Completeness, including landscaping around the school, is expected by January. "These new capacities obviously require adequate transport services. Therefore, a new road has been created along the school with nearly a hundred parking spaces, including K+R (for short stops, editor's note) and a school bus turnaround," explained the project's author, architect David Grulich.
The building also includes a kitchen and dining hall for the entire school complex, capable of serving up to 1500 meals daily. The costs amounted to 188 million crowns. Most of the funds were provided by the state, with contributions from the Central Bohemian Region. The form of the school building was chosen by the municipality from five architectural designs that emerged from a competition.
However, according to demographic forecasts, even the new school facility will not be sufficient to meet the demand. Therefore, another school or schools should be established in the area, which is why local municipalities have formed a new association of municipalities Pod Beckovem, whose main task will be to address the shortage of school places after 2024.