Interview with Roman Brychta / Projectile

Kateřina Lopatová
20.12.2008 01:25
Roman Brychta
Projektil architekti

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Mgr. akad. arch. Roman Brychta
(* 1967, Vysoké Mýto)

1986-91 Faculty of Architecture, Czech Technical University in Prague
1991-95 Academy of Fine Arts in Prague, School of Architecture of Professor Emil Přikryl
thesis: Museum of Celtic Culture in Bohemia and Moravia, Celtic Acropolis - Závist, Zbraslav near Prague
1995-98 collaboration with Rudolf Netík
1998-2002 AK architects (with Václav Králíček, Pavel Joba, Petr Lešek)
In 2002, he founded the studio Projektil together with Adam Halír, Ondřej Hofmeister, and Petr Lešek
The architectural studio Projektil was founded in 2002 by four partners. Despite its relatively short history, it is now an office with a distinctly defined position in the Czech scene: Last year, it won the Grand Prix for the Ecological Activities Center Sluňákov, this year it completed a new building for the State Scientific Library in Hradec Králové, and another library - National Technical - is moving into a new building in Prague's Dejvice this month...
It is therefore more than fitting to have a conversation now, just as it is a good time for an exhibition: An exhibition dedicated to the work of this studio is opening at the Jaroslav Fragner Gallery in Prague (December 19, 2008 - February 1, 2009). However, the terms exhibition and display may be somewhat misleading: the project healthily questions the stereotypical notion of an architectural showcase - the "main hall" is filled with a sound map, an audio imprint of the unfinished construction of the NTM...
Despite the success and the unusually large portfolio of significant public buildings for local standards, the studio is not contemplating major expansion: "Based on the current state of orders, we are able to grow to eight to twelve people. Fifteen is probably the maximum we would want to reach. We don't want to run a large office."
When Roman Brychta welcomes me in the studio located near Letná, he smiles and offers me his left hand...
1 comment
otevřenost ano,ale ne za každou cenu
| 07.02.09 07:45
dnes v pražské městské knihovně jsou bezdomovci problém,tam kde sedí už okolí zůstává prázdné,na toalety lze vstoupit pouze s tím,že si zahrajete soutěž o nejdéle zadržený dech,ne děkuji po letech od roku 89 už o tuto svobodu nestojím pane architekte
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