The Czech Chamber of Architects and the State Environmental Fund invite all interested parties to the conference
ARCHITECTS AND GREEN SAVINGS or How to Get Building Culture and Architectural Quality to Clients.
The conference will take place on June 14, 2010, at 10 a.m. at the National Technical Library in Prague-Dejvice.
Olaf Reiter from Germany and Martin Trebespurg from Austria will speak about foreign experiences with energy-efficient buildings. There will also be an extensive discussion with Czech and foreign experts, and the newly developed manual Architects and Green Savings, which will be published in October of this year, will be presented.
The conference will also feature the Minister of the Environment Rút Bízková, the Director of the SFŽP Petr Štěpánek, the Deputy Director of the SFŽP Irena Plocková, and the MP Václav Mencl.
The conference is intended for architects, building engineers, energy auditors, and other specialists, as well as students and other interested parties. The event is also intended for clients of the Green Savings program.