On Friday, December 6, 2019, at the AAAD (Academy of Art, Architecture and Design) in Prague, at Nám. Jana Palacha 80, Prague 1, lecture hall 115, there will be a public professorial lecture by the head of the Atelier K.O.V. at UMPRUM, doc. Eva Eisler, and the head of the Atelier of Architecture I at UMPRUM, doc. Ing. akad. arch. Jan Šépka. During their presentation, they will showcase their work in the field of Architecture and Design. This presentation also serves as a defense of their previous activities for them to be awarded the title of prof., professor.
10:45 - Back in Time - Eva Eisler Using selected examples of various installations by Eva Eisler, as well as curatorial and exhibition projects, she will briefly present the breadth of her activities.
11:45 - Inspiration - Jan Šépka The lecture will follow the recently published monograph Jan Šépka: Inspiration. The title Inspiration is derived from the authorial process of the genesis of specific topics that were materialized in the concepts of individual architectural assignments.