Rafi Segal : Architecture Dialogues - výstava ve vile Tugendhat

Kabinet architektury, z.s.

Místo konání
Vila Tugendhat, Černopolní 45, Brno

wed 10.4.2024 10:00

sun 09.6.2024 18:00

tue 09.4.2024 18:00

www.tugendhat.eu ...

Czech Republic


Rafi Segal

Tisková zpráva
The exhibition "Architecture Dialogues" (Architektonické dialogy) presents the last two projects of Rafi Segal, architect and professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), who is currently focused on redefining the contemporary home and civic space. How do new ideas about collectivity and sharing influence the resulting typology and design of buildings?
Through original sketches, drawings, plans, models, and video projections, thought-provoking concepts by Rafi Segal are presented, which have emerged in response to the newly forming shapes of contemporary domesticity while also challenging conventional notions of private and collective space.
The projects are presented with an emphasis on the significance of carefully seeking the appropriate placement of buildings within their surroundings, whether in urban or rural settings. "Dialogues" in this context refer to the recurring interactions or "conversations" between research and practice, building and city, object and landscape, user and designer.
An example of the exhibited project Carehaus transforms conventional architectural typologies of caring service buildings by introducing a new co-housing model for elderly women, elderly men, and individuals with various types of disabilities, but also for caregivers and, last but not least, their families. The result is a cohabitation approach that allows for easy and non-conflicting connections between independent residential units and a range of shared spaces. This principle supports and facilitates community programs and intergenerational activities. The model solutions of Carehaus, designed in close collaboration with project co-founders Marisa Morán Jahnová and developer Ernst Valery, build on conclusions from many joint meetings with residents of two underserved neighborhoods in Baltimore and Chicago, where Carehaus buildings are to be constructed.
The Korthi house project in Greece offers a contemporary interpretation of Cycladic architecture while creating a model of what is called a gathering-home. The complex of houses, primarily designed for families, is located on the southern slope of Korthi Bay on the picturesque island of Andros. The houses are designed to create various interconnected internal and external shared spaces, aiming to promote interactions among siblings, parents and children, as well as extended family and friends. By integrating the stone terraced landscape into the spatial solution, movement within the houses and between them is intuitively guided by the designed layout, enhancing the overall collective experience of living in connection with its natural surroundings.
Both presented projects, Carehaus and the Korthi houses, emerge from the specific conditions of the site. However, the exhibition also aims to highlight the importance of a personal approach and the exploration of essence within the dynamic process of design. Through addressing practical requirements, we can express the identity of newly emerging places to live.
The placement of the exhibition in the Tugendhat villa, which represented a unique innovative approach to family living in its time, points to the fundamental significance of meaningful dialogue between the architect's innovative ideas and future users regarding living issues. The exhibition attempts to demonstrate through several recent architectural works how important this dialogue remains today.

Vernissage: Tuesday, April 9, 2024, 6:00 PM
Exhibition duration: April 10 – June 9, 2024 (accessible free of charge without reservation Tue-Sun 10:00-18:00)
The exhibition is situated in the technical floor of the Tugendhat villa.

Exhibition author: Rafi Segal, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA
Exhibition curators: Tadeáš Goryczka, Jaroslav Němec, Cabinet of Architecture, z. s., Ostrava
Curator for the Tugendhat villa: Michal Kolář, Museum of the City of Brno, Study and Documentation Center – Tugendhat villa
Exhibition design: Kevin Malca, Ous Abou Ras, Minghao William Du, Stav Dror
Graphic solutions: Ben Fehrman-Lee
Models and co-production of the exhibition: Tomáš Pavlica, Matěj Smička, laservbrne, Brno
UV printing of panels: PrintHouse Morava s.r.o., Ostrava

Patrons of the exhibition:
JUDr. Markéta Vaňková, Mayor of the City of Brno
Embassy of the United States of America in the Czech Republic
Embassy of the State of Israel in the Czech Republic
Union of Architects z.s.

Rafi Segal (*1967) is an architect, urban planner, and scientist who studied architecture at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, where he earned his engineering degree, later completing his doctoral studies at Princeton University. From 1992 to 2000, he collaborated with architect Zvi Hecker on the design and realization of the Palmach Museum located in Tel Aviv.
The work of Rafi Segal A+U, currently based in Boston, includes projects and research in the field of architecture and the search for new urban solutions. Alongside his architectural practice, Rafi Segal is engaged in academic activities, giving lectures on architecture and urbanism to graduate design students at Harvard, as well as at the New York architectural school The Cooper Union and imparting his experiences to graduates of architecture, planning, and heritage conservation studies at GSAPP at Columbia University.
Since 2015, Rafi Segal has served as an associate professor of architecture and urbanism at MIT (Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA), where he is currently focused on how emerging ideas about sharing and collectivity can influence the typology and design of buildings and how these factors might impact the shaping of cities. He has exhibited his visions and work, among others, at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Storefront for Art and Architecture (New York), KunstWerk in Berlin, the Rotterdam Architecture Biennale, and the Urbanism Biennale in China (Hong Kong/Shenzhen).  
In 2021, at the 17th International Architecture Biennale in Venice, his installation created in collaboration with Sarah Williams, Marisa Morán Jahnová, and Greg Lindsay represented MIT and addressed themes related to his current interests, such as "Architecture as Dialogue" with a focus on civic space and the definition of the contemporary home.

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