

0 22.06.2024 | The mayor of Barcelona wants to eliminate apartment rentals for tourist purposes within five years
0 25.04.2024 | The EU Prize for Architecture has a chance to be won today by the Ostrava gallery Plato
0 14.04.2023 | In Barcelona, the first vertical forest has been installed, which also serves an educational purpose
0 28.04.2022 | The Miese van der Rohe Award was received by a university in Britain and cooperative housing in Barcelona
0 14.01.2022 | The Catalan architect Ricardo Bofill has died
0 09.12.2021 | In Barcelona, the tallest tower of the Sagrada Família basilica was ceremoniously unveiled
0 18.09.2020 | The construction of the Sagrada Família basilica was slowed down by the coronavirus
0 07.12.2019 | To the Eighties of Ricardo Bofill
0 11.06.2019 | Sagrada Familia has received building permission after more than 130 years
0 19.10.2018 | Sagrada Familia will receive a building permit after more than 130 years
0 11.02.2015 | Among the 40 finalists of the Mies van der Rohe Award, buildings from the Czech Republic did not make it
0 23.09.2011 | Gaudího Sagrada Familia bude dokončena nejpozději v roce 2028
0 19.04.2011 | Chrám Sagrada Familia v Barceloně byl evakuován kvůli požáru
0 07.11.2010 | Papež posvětil Gaudího chrám La Sagrada Familia
0 19.09.2007 | Barcelonský stadion Nou Camp bude přestavovat Norman Foster
0 19.06.2006 | Chrám Sagrada Familia v Barceloně brzy začne sloužit církvi
0 17.09.2005 | Španělský král otevřel sporný mrakodrap v Barceloně