Prague - The main award in the new competition Czech Award for Architecture was won by the Zen-Houses house and studio by Liberec architect Petr Stolín. From 63 nominees, the international jury today announced seven finalists. Among others, the authors of the Prague Building Regulations were recognized for their exceptional contributions to architecture.
However, according to the jury, it is noteworthy that none of the highest-rated works were built in Prague. "This fact speaks to the broad range of architectural activities across the country and their high quality, but at the same time, it reveals a disturbing development in the capital city, which is grappling with many typical urban planning problems," stated the jurors.
A total of 475 projects were submitted for the first edition of the competition organized by the Czech Chamber of Architects (ČKA), which was open to architectural realizations from the last five years. The winners were announced today in the Jatka 78 space in Prague's Holešovice. All awarded works will be exhibited at the Prague DOX Center from November 9 and at the Brno Gallery of Architecture in March.
Zen-Houses in Liberec consists of two interconnected cubic structures. They feature an unusual skin made of transparent acrylic panels that reveal a framework of soft wood. The interiors are also made of wood, plywood, and metal, and the house uses simple materials, making it less costly. According to the jury, it can be considered a prototype of its kind, primarily due to its adaptability to the plan, location, and scale. It is a system that can be modified as needed to serve an individual, a family, or a city.
"The simple, economical, and unpretentious project is characterized by the specificity of its location, its ability to respond to this environment, its uniqueness, and its effort to provoke and confidently test new principles even at the cost of potential mistakes. Because of all this, Zen-Houses has succeeded and is undoubtedly an excellent work, a building with a real ambition to test boundaries and become a model for many of us," stated the jury.
A wide range of projects advanced to the finals. Among them are extensive modifications of the industrial area of Dolní Vítkovice and the revitalization of the castle hill in Litomyšl, both by AP atelier of Josef Pleskot. The finals feature two prominent buildings from 2014 - the Trappist Monastery Nový Dvůr (authors John Pawson and Jan Soukup) and the Krkonošsko Center for Environmental Education in Vrchlabí (Petr Hájek Architects).