The subject of the competition is the development of a design for a new building for the West Bohemian Gallery in the area "U Zvonu," connected to the historical core of the city of Plzeň. Organizer: Plzeň Region, authorized representative of the organizer Václav Koubík – councilor for culture, heritage preservation, tourism, and marketing, Škroupova 18, 306 13 Plzeň
Secretary of the competition: Hana Uchytilová, DHV CR spol. s r.o., Sokolovská 100/94, 186 00 Prague 8, phone: 236 080 550, email: [email protected]
Jury Regular members of the jury
Václav Koubík
Milan Chovanec
Mgr. Roman Musil
Ing. arch. Miloslav Michalec
Doc. PhDr. Jiří Kotalík
Prof. Ing. arch. Martin Rajniš
Prof. Akad. soch. Stanislav Kolíbal
Doc. PhDr. Petr Kratochvíl
Ing. arch. Irena Fialová
Alternate members of the jury
Jiří Struček
Mgr. Václav Váchal
Ing. arch. Petr Domanický
Ing. arch. Ludvík Grym
PhDr. Ivan Neumann
Mgr. Martina Pachmanová, Ph.D.
JUDr. PhDr. Jiří Plos
Expected prizes and rewards Total 2,700,000 CZK.
1st prize - 1,000,000 CZK
2nd prize - 600,000 CZK
3rd prize - 400,000 CZK
total rewards 700,000 CZK
Deadlines Date of announcement of the competition: 30. 10. 2009 Deadline for submitting queries: 23. 11. 2009 Deadline for answering queries: 30. 11. 2009 Date for submission of competition proposals: 7th – 14th December 2009 Date of the jury's evaluation meeting: 17th – 19th December 2009