Results of the competition for the solution of the new building of the West Bohemian Gallery in Pilsen
Source Česká komora architektů (
Publisher Martin Rosa
31.12.2009 12:55
Organizer Plzeň Region
Subject of the Competition The subject of the competition was to develop a proposal for the new building of the West Bohemian Gallery in the area "U Zvonu" adjacent to the historic core of the city of Plzeň.
Date of the Event October 30 – December 19, 2009
Regular members of the jury
Václav Koubík
Milan Chovanec
Mgr. Roman Musil
Ing. arch. Miloslav Michalec
Doc. PhDr. Jiří Kotalík
Prof. Ing. arch. Martin Rajniš
Prof. Akad. soch. Stanislav Kolíbal
Doc. PhDr. Petr Kratochvíl
Ing. arch. Irena Fialová
Substitutes of the jury
Jiří Struček
Mgr. Václav Váchal
Ing. arch. Petr Domanický
Ing. arch. Ludvík Grym
PhDr. Ivan Neumann
Mgr. Martina Pachmanová, Ph.D.
JUDr. PhDr. Jiří Plos
Number of submitted proposals: 92 Prizes and Awards Total 2,700,000 CZK
1st prize (1,000,000 CZK) - Kuba & Pilař architects s.r.o. - Acad. arch. Ladislav Kuba, Ing. MA. Tomáš Pilař
Jury assessment: In the jury's opinion, the proposal most comprehensively fulfilled the mandatory criteria of the competition. It represents a quality architectural solution that reflects well the dynamics of the present time and fits into the given context. The designed object is conceived as a solid, shape-pure and simple cube, behind whose external transparent shell are four stacked prisms of individual functional parts. The chosen solution allows for a good combination of individual operations with the generously conceived public space of the atrium. The outer shell designed as a concrete wall with glass blocks with LED diodes also represents an attractive information and media surface. The shape of the object's floor plan is based on the street lines of the surrounding buildings and revokes the floor plan and volume traces of the demolished apartment building. Urbanistically, it successfully connects the given location with Křižíkovy sady and the historic core of the city, and its anchoring in space clearly and distinctly defines the relationship with the surroundings and the place. Massively and height-wise, the object has a favorable impact, and its external expression represents a constant but not conflicting element within the rest of the buildings. The exhibition spaces are impressively dimensioned, clearly articulated with the use of upper natural lighting. The design handles the extensive operational program well and logically and sensitively managed to combine its individual parts. The chosen construction solution is realistic, the considered economic costs are comparable to the standard, from which they do not deviate extremely. The chosen solution represents an open concept that allows for further development of the project in the next phase, especially in terms of improving operational dispositions, as well as the final form of the transparent outer shell. The proposed staircase in the central atrium is considered by the jury to be more of a disruptive artistic element than a functional structural element. It is worth considering a reminder of at least the floor plan trace of the demolished church. According to the unanimous opinion of the jury, this project fulfilled the competition task the best of all submitted proposals, i.e., finding a quality and modern solution for the dignified seat of the West Bohemian Gallery in the context of the historic city, which could also stand comparison with similar cultural buildings in the broader European region.
2nd prize (600,000 CZK) - Ing. arch. Lukrécia Lachmanová, Ing. arch. Marek Lachman
Jury assessment: The concept of the "monolith" defined by the shape of the land and the recommended height, which is cut or divided into functional units, was solitary among the myriad of proposals. It corresponds to the place in scale and proportions. The disposition solution is clear, orderly, lacking larger exhibition space. Doubts may arise regarding the outer shell with a projecting aluminum shading facade, but in the case of realization, it is definitely a solvable issue. The design is capable of a relatively dramatic evolution while preserving the basic principles of the concept.
3rd prize (400,000 CZK) - Jaroslav Zima, Milan Bulva, Sabina Mešťanová, Jan Přikryl, Linda Audyová, Lukáš Kutílek
Jury assessment: The proposal undoubtedly relies on a thorough exploration of the locality and an effort for a comprehensive, clearer definition of public spaces. (This is also evident from the supplementary recommendation on the infill of some gaps). The building is divided into two separate volumes (operationally connected underground), achieving a more intimate scale with a clear effort to align with the intricacies of the surrounding urban fabric. The view between the buildings visually connects the place with the historical dominants of the city. The external appearance of the building, with light surfaces and a balanced composition of solid and glazed walls, represents a very high-quality solution, emphasizing a peaceful resonance with the place rather than its dominance. An original idea is the creation of a narrow raised space "symbolic bell tower" above the floor plan of the vanished church and a viewing terrace on the last floor. The jury also appreciated the effort to connect the building with the everyday life of the city, its openness at street level (including the idea of lowering part of the outdoor terrain, which allows looking into the basement rooms of the restoration workshops). Operationally, all functions are fully satisfied, allowing for variable arrangements in the future. Conversely, the location of the descent to the underground parking in an area that should connect the building with the park circuit seems controversial.
Award (200,000 CZK) - Ing. arch. Martin Kusý, Ing. arch. Pavol Paňák, Ing. arch. Mária Michalič Kusá, Ing. arch. Viera Kusá, Ing. arch. Jana Paňáková, Ing. arch. Martin Kusý Jr., Mgr. arch. Peter Kuchta
Jury assessment: The competition proposal represents a uniformly conceived and cultivated solution, which brings imaginative partial solutions in some issues. Extremely favorable is the thoughtful design of the entrance axis leading from the side around the presented archaeological finds of the demolished church, creating an attractive point of the chosen concept. The internal layout solution meets the requirements of exhibition operation well. The weakness of the proposal is the chosen mass solution, which appears rather conflicting in volume and silhouette in the given environment. The concept of the outer shell of milky frosted glass blocks is not fully thought out.
Award (200,000 CZK) - Ing. arch. Martin Čeněk, Ing. arch. Petr Synovec, Ing. arch. Petra Hlaváčková
Jury assessment: The proposed object is designed as a smooth, shape-pure cube that maximally utilizes the assigned land. At the same time, it leaves the space above the foundations of the Church of St. Mary Magdalene free and allows for its further use. The external simplicity of the building is countered by its internal richness, created by the alternation of closed and open parallel spaces. This alternation creates interesting spatial views through the building. The chosen construction solution is realistic; the design is among the largest in volume, and therefore also the most economically demanding compared to other proposals. The jury concluded that the integration of the object into the urban context of the place and the city was better resolved in other proposals.
Award (150,000 CZK) - Ing. arch. Vratislav Danda, Ing. arch. Pavel Ullmann, Ing. arch. Radovan Kupka, Ing. arch. Ondřej Smolík, Ing. arch. Jaromír Kosnar
Jury assessment: The proposed object consists of a concrete trapezoidal prism, cut by two glazed surfaces that contrast with the concrete. The mass of the proposal somewhat closes the ring of buildings surrounding the park. The jury appreciated the proposed operational solution with a generous ground floor mass and resolved operations for both exhibits and visitors. The chosen construction solution is realistic, and the economic demands are comparable to other proposals. According to the jury, the competition proposal insufficiently addresses the issues of natural light and its influence on the psychological comfort of visitors.
Award (150,000 CZK) - MOBA Studio s.r.o. – Igor Kovačevič, Yvette Vašourková, Katerina Šrámková, Barbora Šimonová, Martin Neruda, Lucie Holopírková, Tereza Dufková
Jury assessment: The proposal represents an elementary shape – a cube - only exceptionally broken by openings. The abstract expression calls for ascetic dispositions – which are achieved only seemingly; the dispositions are unfinished and significantly weaken the quality of the entire proposal. Even so, in the case of realization, the proposal would necessarily face a number of significant changes that would undoubtedly reflect on the facades. The proposal significantly exceeds the recommended height.