Little Architects - Conclusion of the Czech-Polish Project
Source Vladimír Balda, FUA TUL
Publisher Tisková zpráva
01.12.2017 17:20
The Czech-Polish project Little Architects / Mali architekci will conclude with an exhibition of children's works and photographs from the courses. The opening of the exhibition will take place on Saturday, December 9th at 10:00 AM at the Regional Library in Liberec. You can view the children's works from Monday, December 4th to Friday, December 15, 2017. Architecture is not taught as a standalone subject within primary education. Students encounter this field only as a supplement and as part of core subjects, such as history or art education, at primary schools. Architecture is a discipline that combines technical and humanities sciences in a way that is rarely found in other types of human activity. It is a field that works on and develops spatial imagination, brings technique closer to students with a humanities background, and conversely shows children with a stronger affinity for technology the significance and importance of humanities sciences. The goal of the year-long Czech-Polish project Little Architects / Mali architekci was to familiarize primary school students with architecture as a multifaceted field that combines technique and visual arts. Involving participants from two neighboring countries added another dimension to the project. The border area of northern Bohemia and Lower Silesia still lacks established ties and connections, as is the case in other regions along the common border. This is a consequence of post-war population exchange and similar political developments. Despite geographical proximity and linguistic kinship, more intense contact has only been slowly revived and mutual awareness is burdened by numerous stereotypes. The Little Architects / Mali architekci project aimed to contribute to mutual understanding. An integral part of the project was to introduce the youngest generation to the partner country as linguistically, historically, and culturally very close. Both children and instructors got to know peers from the nearby neighboring state and, thanks to the similarities of both languages, realized the small size of the language barrier. We firmly believe that the Little Architects / Mali architekci project fulfilled its wishes and goals, and that Liberec and Jelení hora will no longer be mere points on the map for the participants but places where they experienced many shared moments. The project was financially supported by the Microprojects Fund of the Euroregion Nisa.