Winter Night of Architecture will take place on Thursday, January 16, 2020, from 5:00 PM in the premises of the Faculty of Architecture STU in Bratislava. The event Night of Architecture opens the official survey of FA STU, which will last until Sunday.
PROGRAM 5:00 PM // FOYER // Opening 6:00 PM // AUDITORIUM // 15-minute presentations: 6:00 – 6:15 PM // Bratislava Metropolitan Institute / Peter Lényi, Ján Mazúr 6:15 – 6:30 PM // Studying abroad / Oľga Miháliková (Slovak Chamber of Architects) 6:30 – 6:45 PM // Introduction of the main partner CORWIN / Samuel Csáder, Filip Gulan 6:00 PM // BOILER ROOM // DESIGN STAGE at the Night of Architecture 5:00 - 10:00 PM // exhibition & DJs in the Old Boiler Room 6:00 - 7:00 PM // Designer 15-minute presentations Design story: From industrial design to UX / Barbora Ondrek New tools for design creation / Filip Maukš Multidisciplinary collaboration with YIT: Living 2050 / Zuzana Turlíková, Veronika Nekolová 7:00 - 7:45 PM // Pechtle Mechtle on VR 7:00 – 7:30 PM // AUDITORIUM // ICONS III – Iľja Skoček 8:00 PM // AUDITORIUM // delivery of the Student Cheddar Prize 8:30 PM // AUDITORIUM // NP2F ARCHITECTES (FR) / Nicolas Guérin, Paul Maître-Devallon 10:00 PM // FUGA // DJs Čičman & Jalovec, DJ Vec, EMONOIZBOYZ
The Night of Architecture is a multi-genre platform providing insight into the activities at FA STU. An evening event when the entire building of the faculty transforms into a gallery full of exhibited studio works by students, aiming to show both the professional and general public the results of a wide range of projects created in the last semester.
PROGRAM This year's Winter edition of the Night of Architecture will launch a 4-day SURVEY at FA STU with its rich evening program. The premiere of the VERTICAL STUDIOS exhibition will also showcase many diverse studio themes that architecture and urbanism students addressed in larger cohesive groups this semester.
15-MINUTE PRESENTATIONS (6:00 - 6:45 PM) In addition to the large exhibition, you will also traditionally be able to see a short lecture format, where Peter Lényi and Ján Mazúr from the Bratislava Metropolitan Institute will present their operations, goals, and key tools. Oľga Miháliková from the Slovak Chamber of Architects will present another 15-minute session on the topic of studying abroad and its application and relevance in Slovakia. In the third lecture, the main partner of the Night of Architecture, the CORWIN company, will introduce Samuel Csáder and Filip Gulan who will talk about their philosophy and topics they are intensively engaged with as developers.
DESIGN STAGE at the Night of Architecture (5:00 PM - 10:00 PM) DESIGN STAGE is a traditional regular presentation format of the Institute of Design at the all-faculty event Night of Architecture, which not only presents the latest works of current students - through the DESIGN STUBA event, it showcases ongoing research projects and maintains contact with alumni who have successfully established themselves in practice. On the -1 floor of FA STU and in the Old Boiler Room, you can look forward to a discussion Pechtle Mechtle on VR, designer 15-minute presentations such as: Design story: From industrial design to UX / Barbora Ondrek, New tools for design creation / Filip Maukš, Multidisciplinary collaboration with YIT: Living 2050 / Zuzana Turlíková, Veronika Nekolová.
Last but not least, you can look forward to the exhibition BEST OF - a selection of student design works from the past winter semester. The DESIGN STAGE will also take place this year with financial support from the Škoda brand.
ICONS III – IĽJA SKOČEK (7:00 – 7:30 PM) At the Night of Architecture, another film from the upcoming documentary series ICONS will be presented, this time about architect Iľja Skoček. Architect Skoček belongs professionally and personally to the most prominent figures of Slovak post-war modernism. As a member of the creative collective Konček-Skoček-Titl, informally known as "Lords," he contributed to the development of the new Bratislava and Slovakia for decades. The most significant building by the architect and the three-member collective is the House of Culture Istropolis, whose future is currently more than uncertain.
Announcement of Cheddar Prize Results (8:00 – 8:30 PM) This year, an independent jury composed of architects, urban planners, and designers from the influential Slovak and foreign studios will traditionally evaluate all exhibited studio works from the last semester.
The best projects in the categories - architecture, urbanism, and design will be evaluated by the jury based on a joint discussion one day before the Night of Architecture.
NP2F ARCHITECTES (FR) (8:30 – 9:30 PM) The Winter edition will conclude with a presentation of their work by the French architects NP2F from Paris. NP2F is a studio representing a progressive young generation of architects from the new direction of the French scene. A team of 12 members, working in Paris and Nice, was founded in 2009 by a group of young architects: Francois Chas, Nicolas Guérin, Fabrice Long, and Paul Maître-Devallon. NP2F is based on several fundamental points: architecture cannot be an exact or ideological science. Architectural practice is an open process marked by continuous research and interpretation, ideas, and hypotheses about the phenomena surrounding us. Each line, each sketch in space shapes the dialogue in the studio: consensus does not mean compromise. “In the process of creation, we constantly find ourselves between a phenomenological and even intuitive approach and a reference cultural ambition that creates conditions for a more abstract arrangement of space.” Their work has earned them several prestigious international awards.
AFTERPARTY (10:00 PM – 5:00 AM) The Night of Architecture as the official gateway to the FA STU survey will move its program to the center of the old town for an afterparty at FUGA. A strong lineup of three names will provide us with high-quality music, featuring our favorite DJ duo Jalovec & Čičman, DJ Vec, and EMONOIZBOYZ.
The Night of Architecture is organized by the ARCHTUNG team in collaboration with the Faculty of Architecture STU. We look forward to seeing you!