The conference of the Department of Architecture at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, VŠB-TU Ostrava, was held on October 14 - 15, 2020, in the NA2 hall of the New Auditorium of the VŠB – Technical University of Ostrava.
Dear colleagues, we would like to invite you for the twelfth time to an international and interdisciplinary conference dedicated to architecture and urbanism. The organizers aim to continue the discussion on the relationship between society and architecture and urbanism. Representatives from other fields besides architecture also have the opportunity to present contributions and thus open the space for further questions. It is therefore possible to submit articles from the social sciences, economics, geography, construction, and others. The purpose of the conference is to seek and evaluate the current state of knowledge in architecture with the shortest history, not only from the perspective of various fields but also from experiences in different countries with their different developments and approaches.
Contributions will be published in a printed proceedings with an ISBN, which will be submitted for evaluation to the Web of Science (the years 2015, 2016, 2017 have been included in WoS, the year 2018 is in the process of evaluation for inclusion in WoS, and the year 2019 has already been included in WoS). Proceedings from previous years are freely available for download in pdf on the website.
The topics of contributions may concern the following areas: 1. Theory and philosophy of architectural design 2. Urbanism and public space 3. Contemporary housing architecture, civic amenities, and civil engineering 4. Heritage conservation, restoration, and conversion of buildings and architectural complexes 5. Rural space and rural architecture 6. Ecological aspects in architecture 7. Trends and technologies in architecture
Presentations at the conference with publication in the proceedings: Please send abstracts of contributions (150 - 250 words) to the address: [email protected] by March 31, 2020. A notification of acceptance/rejection of the contribution will be sent to you by April 10, 2020. The organizers reserve the right not to accept the proposed contribution. Final versions (in Czech, Slovak, Polish, or English) + 2x reviews must be submitted no later than June 30, 2020, according to the instructions you will receive by email upon acceptance of the abstract.
Organizers: Doc. Ing. Martina Peřinková, Ph.D. – scientific guarantor of the conference Ing. arch. Lucie Videcká – secretary of the conference Ing. arch. Sandra Jüttnerová – secretary of the conference
If you have any questions, please contact us at this email address: [email protected]