Invitation to the conference Architecture in Perspective
Source Katedry architektury VŠB-TU Ostrava
Publisher Tisková zpráva
11.04.2012 23:40
The Department of Architecture of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the VSB – Technical University of Ostrava, under the auspices of the Rector of the VSB – TU Ostrava, Prof. Ing. Ivo Vondrák, CSc. and the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Prof. Ing. Darja Kubečková Skulinová, Ph.D.
is organizing an international conference
Architecture in Perspective
Architecture and Urbanism in the Second Half of the 20th Century
which will be held on April 19-20, 2012 from 10:00 AMin the NA2 hall in the New Auditorium of the VSB – Technical University in Ostrava – Poruba
Main Guests of the Conference: Prof. Ing.arch. Ivan Ruller - Memories of the 60s and 70s Prof. Ing.arch. Alena Šrámková - What Life Gave Doc. PhDr. Oldřich Ševčík, ing. arch. Ondřej Beneš - Post-Soviet Moscow – Architecture on the Move, Searching for a New Identity Doc. Ing.arch. Radomíra Sedláková, CSc. - A Building Originally Designed for the National Assembly Ing. arch. Marián Marcinka - Several Experiences and Notes on Architecture in the Second Half of the 20th Century Ing.arch. Vladimír Matoušek, CSc. - Urban Problems of Housing Development in Czechoslovakia in the 50s-70s of the 20th Century Ing.arch. Dušan Riedl, CSc. - Urbanism of Cities in the Czech Republic in the Second Half of the 20th Century in Relation to the Historical and Natural Environment. Dr hab. Ing. Arch. Jan Pallado - Housing Architecture in Upper Silesia in the 1980s Doc. Ing.arch. Petr Hrůša - Functionalist Tradition in Contemporary Architectural Creation as the Grounding of the Machine Ing.arch. Viktor Rudiš – Osaka and Lesná Ing.arch. Milena Vitoulová, prof. Ing.arch. Zdeněk Strnadel - The Emergence and Development of the University Campus of VSB in Ostrava - Poruba Doc. Ing.arch. Ivo Klimeš – Theatre Architecture
Conference Guarantees: Prof. Ing.arch. Ivan Ruller – professional guarantor of the conference Doc. Ing. Martina Peřinková, Ph.D. – professional guarantor of the conference Ing.arch. Eva Špačková – co-guarantor of the conference Dr. Ing.arch. Tomasz Wagner – co-guarantor of the conference
The conference fee (after electronic registration and payment of the registration fee by April 12, 2012) is 395 CZK Fee without electronic registration paid on site is 495 CZK Monograph copy 195 CZK Social evening 295 CZK All prices include VAT. Entry to the conference is free for undergraduate and master's degree students.
The working languages of the conference will be Czech, Slovak, Polish, and English.
Public Transport: Tram stop no. 7, 8, 9, 17 “Areál VŠB” (from the ČD Ostrava – Svinov station towards Poruba) Parking: VSB – TUO parking lot immediately next to the auditorium – access from Dr. Slabihoudka street (from the Faculty Hospital)
Payments are registered and accepted by: Markéta Teslíková, secretariat of the Department of Architecture +420 59 732 1939 Department of Architecture, Faculty of Civil Engineering, VSB - TU Ostrava L. Podéstě 1875, 708 33 Ostrava - Poruba
Day 1 - April 19, 2012, hall NA 2 10:00 Official opening of the conference Rector of VSB-TU Ostrava - prof. Ing. Ivo Vondrák, CSc. Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering VSB-TU Ostrava – prof. Ing. Darja Kubečková Skulinová, Ph.D. 10:20 prof. Ing.arch. Ivan Ruller - Memories of the 60s and 70s 10:50 prof. Ing.arch. Alena Šrámková - What Life Gave 11:20 doc. Ing.arch. Petr Hrůša - Functionalist Tradition in Contemporary Architectural Creation as the Grounding of the Machine 11:40 Ing.arch. Viktor Rudiš – Osaka and Lesná 12:05 doc. Ing.arch. Radomíra Sedláková, CSc. - A Building Originally Designed for the National Assembly 12:30 Ing.arch. Marián Marcinka - Several Experiences and Notes on Architecture in the Second Half of the 20th Century 12:55 Ing.arch. Martin Chválek, MBA – Opening of the GRAND PRIX ARCHITECTS 2011 exhibition 13:00 Lunch break 14:00 doc. PhDr. Oldřich Ševčík, ing.arch. Ondřej Beneš - Post-Soviet Moscow – Architecture on the Move, Searching for a New Identity 14:25 Ing.arch. Milena Vitoulová, prof. Ing.arch. Zdeněk Strnadel - The Emergence and Development of the University Campus of VSB in Ostrava – Poruba 14:50 Ing.arch. Dušan Riedl, CSc. - Urbanism of Cities in the Czech Republic in the Second Half of the 20th Century in Relation to the Historical and Natural Environment 15:15 Coffee break 15:30 prof. Ing.arch. Mojmír Kyselka, CSc. - Five Main Cities of Moravia in the Ecotone at the End of the 20th Century 15:55 doc. Ing.arch. Ivo Klimeš – Theatre Architecture 16:20 Ing.arch. Josef Němec, CSc. – Participation of SÚRPMO in Urban Concept and Reconstruction of Historical Cores 16:45 Dr inż. arch. Marcin Spyra - Durability and Fleetingness of Architecture on the Example of the Cross-Border Town Cieszyn, 17:15 Conclusion of Day 1 of the conference
Day 2 - April 20, 2012 I. section – Transformations of Cities and Villages, hall NA 2 10:00 doc. Ing. Ivana Žabičková, CSc. - Material Base Changes at the Turn of the Millennium, FA VUT 10:15 Ing.arch. Petr Dýr, Ph.D - Revitalization of Rural Brownfields or the Return of Agricultural Building Architecture, ARC FAST VUT Brno 10:30 Ing. Tereza Tribulová - CONCRETE – METAL – GLASS. Materials of Architecture in the Second Half of the 20th Century - Causes of Damage and Anti-Corrosion Measures, VŠCHT Prague 10:45 Mgr. Barbora Tribulová - Regionalism and Regional Architecture in a Central European Context – Example of Organic Architecture in Slovakia, Academy of Fine Arts in Bratislava 11:00 Ing.arch. Martin Nedvěd - Hybrid Architecture as a Solution to the Issue of Village “Red Houses”, FAST VSB-TUO 11:15 Ing.arch. Jan Kašpar - Reconnaissance and Evaluation of the Condition of Major Public Village Spaces in Příbram Region, FSv CTU 11:30 Ing.arch. Branislav Puškár, PhD. - DALLAS 1982 – The Beginning of the Concept of Smart Building, FA STU Bratislava 12:00 Lunch break
II. section – Civic Buildings, hall NA 3 10:00 Ing.arch. Ján Pavúk, PhD. - Representative Architecture - Embassy Offices in the Context of the Historical Development of Slovakia, FASTU Bratislava 10:15 Ing.arch. Stanislav Majcher, PhD. - Hospitals Yesterday and Today, FASTU Bratislava 10:30 Ing.arch. Zuzana Tóthová, PhD. - City Hotels of the Second Half of the 20th Century in Slovakia, FASTU Bratislava 10:45 Ing.arch. Zuzana Čerešňová, PhD., Ing.arch. Danica Končeková, PhD. - School Buildings from the Second Half of the 20th Century on the Threshold of Change, FASTU Bratislava 11:00 Ing.arch. Peter Lovich PhD. - Hospitals from the Second Half of the 20th Century in Bratislava: Current State and Their Conversion to Residential Function: Projects, Realizations, Visions, FASTU Bratislava 11:15 Ing.arch. Pavel Filsak - The Embassy of Czechoslovak Republic in New Delhi 11:30 Ing.arch. Martina Nováková, MSc. - The Sense of “Ordinary” Architecture - Architecture Without Properties, FASTU Bratislava 11:45 Aneta Nosal, eng.arch., Tomasz Wagner, PhD, eng. arch. - Reanimator - Factory of Knowledge and Technology Revitalization Project of the Unfinished Hospital Complex ACM Zabrze-Gliwice, Silesian Institute of Technology in Gliwice 12:00 Lunch break
I. section – Transformations of Cities and Villages, hall NA 2 1:00 PM Jakub Czarnecki, PhD. arch. - Potential of Revitalization of Mid Twentieth Century Housing Estates in the Aspect of Demographic Changes Predicted for Upcoming Decades, Silesian Institute of Technology in Gliwice 1:15 PM PhDr. Martin Horáček, Ph.D. - Prognosis of the Fate of 20th Century Architecture in the 21st Century (In Comparison to the Fate of 18th Century Architecture in the 19th Century and 19th Century Architecture in the 20th Century), FCE VUT Brno 1:30 PM Dr inż. arch Paweł Maryńczuk - Links Between Gentrification and Revitalization. Theory and Practice in a Local Approach, Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice 1:45 PM Mgr. Petr Gába - Ostrava and Its Housing Estates After 1945 (Traces – Facts – Testimonies), Ostrava University - Faculty of Philosophy 2:00 PM Mgr. Vlastimil Rudolf - Kladno in the 70s and 80s of the 20th Century – Kladno Living and Dying, or Towards “Bright” Tomorrows? 2:15 PM Ing. Tomáš Med - Between Decline and Conversion, FSv CTU (B) 2:30 PM Mgr. Věra Kubicová - Architectural Sketch – Mutating Artistic Medium. Formal Aspect of Architectural Design and Its Stylistic Changes 2:45 PM Ing.arch. Eva Špačková - Does a Housing Estate Need a Center? (Development of the Public Space of the Local Center in Karviná – Hranice) 3:00 PM Coffee break
II. section – Housing, hall NA 3 1:00 PM Dr Hab. Ing.Arch. Jan Pallado - Housing Architecture in Upper Silesia in the 1980s 1:15 PM arch. Jerzy Wojewódka, PhD - “Residential Habitats” - A Bridge in the Transformation of Residential Architecture from 1950-1990, Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice 1:30 PM Ing.arch. Dagmar Mikušková, PhD. - The Impact of Standardization on the Layout of Apartments in a Society Without Social Differences and the Search for Positives for Today's Socio-Economic Conditions, FA STU Bratislava 1:45 PM Jerzy Cibis, Ph.D., Eng, Arch, Adam Bednarski, Ph.D., Eng, Arch. - Commonality of Modernist Architectural Forms of Housing from 1919-1939, Silesian Institute of Technology in Gliwice 2:00 PM Ing.arch. Edita Vráblová, PhD. - Expansion of Student Housing in the Second Half of the 20th Century, FA STU Bratislava 2:15 PM Jerzy Cibis, Ph.D., Eng, Arch, Wiesław Olejko, Ph.D., Eng, Arch. - The Second Life of a Large Panel - The Modernization of a Large Panel Construction, Silesian Institute of Technology in Gliwice 2:30 PM Ing.arch. Luba Selcova, PhD. - Spatial Minimum and Functional Optimum in Non-Panel Residential Buildings in the Second Half of the 20th Century and Possibilities of Their Remodeling, FASTU Bratislava 2:45 PM Dr inż. arch. Grzegorz Nawrot - On Architecture, Not Only from the Second Half of the 20th Century. The Subjective Nature of Architecture and the Storage of Events That Occurred, Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice 3:00 PM Coffee break
I. section – Transformations of Cities and Villages, hall NA 2 3:15 PM Mgr. Markéta Žáčková, Mgr. Jana Kořínková - Four Cases of Architectural and Urban Solutions for Brno Panel Housing Estates with Respect to the Artistic Decoration of Public Spaces, FA VUT in Brno, FaVU VUT in Brno 3:30 PM Anna Korsak - Jagodzinska, Joanna Serdynska - Modern Housing Architecture of the Center of Katowice in the Second Half of the 20th Century, Silesian University of Technology in Gliwice 3:45 PM Ing.arch. Adam Guzdek - The Miner’s Brussels, FA VUT BRNO 4:00 PM Ing.arch. Marián Potočár – Freedom Square in Bratislava - Visions, Construction, and Totalitarian Celebrations, Institute of Construction and Architecture SAV 4:15 PM Ing. Alexandra Burešová - Reconstruction of Charles IV Square in Mělník, NPÚ Prague 4:30 PM Ing.arch. Hana Řepková – Panel Housing Estates and Their Regeneration, NPÚ Prague 4:45 PM Ing.arch. Dušan Ferianc, PhD. - Regeneration of the Square in Spišská Nová Ves and Restoration of the Town Hall, FASTU Bratislava 5:00 PM Dr inż. arch. Urszula Nowacka-Rejzner - The Green Structure of Nowa Huta in Plans from the 1950s and Its Contemporary Image, Krakow University of Technology 5:15 PM doc. Ing. Martina Peřinková PhD. - Transformations of Architecture 5:30 PM Conclusion of Day 2 of the conference
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