Jiráskovo Square will once again come alive with games, sports, and music
Source David Brabec, Pěstuj prostor, z.s.
Publisher Tisková zpráva
06.09.2017 07:15
For the second time, on Saturday, September 9, starting at 10 AM, the event full of games, sports, and music "Jiráskov Square is Alive" will take place in the park at Plzeň's Jiráskov Square.
From 10 AM to 5 PM, you can traditionally look forward to games, sports, and creative workshops for both children and adults, as well as other entertainment prepared by the Academy of Talent and the scouts from the Ichthys center. Examples include board games, fun math and physics, scout memory games, knot tying, target shooting or a special workshop "No City is Like a City" organized by the Karel Komárek Foundation. The program will also feature live music performances and an unconventional experiential architectural-acrobatic walk prepared by the Pěstuj prostor association with the Žongléros Ansámbl. At 5:30 PM, a friendly football tournament will begin, which anyone can register for – either on-site or in advance via email at [email protected]. During the event, two exhibitions will be simultaneously on display – "Memory II.", which maps the history of Jiráskov Square and the memories of local residents, and an exhibition of competition designs from the architectural competition for the renewal of Jiráskov Square.
The event is organized by the Pěstuj prostor association, the Academy of Talent, Junák – Czech Scout: Ichthys Plzeň center, Žongléros Ansámbl, and the Karel Komárek Foundation with the support of the Plzeň 2 – Slovany Municipal District and the Dominican Monastery in Plzeň as part of the project Renewal of Jiráskov Square and the Monastery Garden in Plzeň.