After nearly six years, there is a change of the city architect. The current architect, Ing. arch. Richard Černý, will be replaced, based on a selection procedure, by MgA. Jakub Chuchlík. Following an agreement to terminate the activity of the current city architect Ing. arch. Černý on 01.08.2015, a two-round selection procedure for the position of city architect was announced by the city council in June, and an evaluation committee was appointed, chaired by Ing. arch. Petr Klápště, Ph.D. At the first meeting of the evaluation committee, which received a total of 7 offers by the deadline of 07.07.2015, their review was conducted. After individual evaluation of the offers, a second meeting took place, during which the committee established the ranking of candidates in the top three positions for the 2nd round of the selection process, associated with interviews. Architects Hilpert, Chuchlík, and Balda were invited to this round. From the two-day interviews, focused mainly on the vision of architecture and urbanism of the city, territorial and strategic planning, processes for addressing public spaces, etc., a recommendation for the final ranking of candidates emerged from the evaluation committee: 1. MgA. Jakub Chuchlík, 2. Ing. arch. Martin Hilpert, 3. Ing. arch. Vladimír Balda. The city council respected this recommendation at its meeting on 13.07.2015 and approved the aforementioned ranking of candidates for the position of city architect of Mnichovo Hradiště by resolution No. 334. Jakub Chuchlík, a Jablonec native and graduate of VŠUP Prague, will take up the position of city architect from 01.08.2015. Public consultations will likely continue as before, that is, on Mondays in even weeks from 15:00 to 17:00. Materials and documents related to the selection procedure are available for review at the SMRM department.