The second part of the lecture series conceived as a collection of "slices" of architecture and society during a time of fundamental changes in social organization will be hosted by the Plzeň building of Czech Radio. In the segment focused on the period around 1948 (from which the radio building originates), historian Jakub Šlouf and urban planner Lukáš Grasse will speak.
Jakub Šlouf from the Institute for the Study of Totalitarian Regimes will attempt to connect the perspectives of historians and urban planners in his lecture. He will focus on public events related to the Plzeň monuments of T. G. Masaryk (or the Memorial of National Liberation) and soldiers of the American army between 1945 and 1953 and the social context of these events.
Lukáš Grasse, one of the founding members of the open group of architects Gogolák + Grasse, will present urban projects for Plzeň from the years 1947-1950 – development studies for the university district, the guiding spatial plan, and the detailed spatial plan – which he will place in the context of development during the interwar period and events after 1950. He will also complement this with related topics, such as the establishment of Stavoprojekt or the competition for a monument to J. V. Stalin.
The admission fee for the lecture is 50 CZK, tickets will be available on-site and in advance.
The series is organized by the association Pěstuj prostor with the support of the city of Plzeň, the Ministry of Culture of the Czech Republic, the State Fund for Culture of the Czech Republic, and the Czech Architecture Foundation. It aims to support and develop the interest of the local professional and broader public in architecture and the built and landscape environment of the city.