Tuesday, September 13 at 6 PM The entrance of contemporary architecture and art into the historical environment The evening is moderated by Adam Gebrian nám. Přemysla Otakara II. (in case of bad weather, House of Art, 3rd floor)
Guests: Ing. akad. arch. Jiří Klokočka - FA ČVUT Doc. Ing. arch. Antonín Novák - FA VUT Mgr. Rostislav Koryčánek - MG Brno Michaela Hečková Epos 257
Tuesday, September 20 at 6 PM Samson Fountain and Přemysl Otakar II Square The evening is moderated by Adam Gebrian St. Family Church, Karla IV. Street 22, České Budějovice
Lecture on the history of the fountain and Přemysl Otakar II Square: Mgr. Matěj Vodička and Hynek Látal, Ph.D. - FFJCU
Guests: Ing. arch. Naděžda Pálková - NPÚ Č. Budějovice Ing. Jaromír Talíř - Deputy Mayor Ing. František Konečný Ph.D. - Deputy Mayor
Tuesday, September 27 at 6 PM Interventions in Public Space The evening is moderated by Osamu Okamura St. Family Church, Karla IV. Street 22, Č. Budějovice
Guests: Arch. Jan Tábor (Vienna) Prof. PhDr. Rostislav Svácha, CSc - UP Olomouc PhDr. Richard Biegel, Ph.D.- Director of the Institute of Art History FF UK Ing. arch. Mirek Vodák - CBArchitektura