Pecha Kucha Night Brno at the Re:publika 2018 festival Exhibition Center Brno Manual 1928–2018 Brno Architectural Manual and the History of the Brno Exhibition Center in twelve presentations by invited experts.
Saturday, June 16, 2018, 7:00 PM
Location: Rotunda of Pavilion A
Admission: free
20x20 seconds will have: Authors of the BAM - BAM for BVV and AM for Central Europe VIA AUREA - programmers of BAM and AM Terezie Petišková - House of Arts of the City of Brno and BAM Markéta Žáčková - architect Adolf Loos and Bauer's villa Ludvík Grym and Karel Zoch - Loos's interiors in Plzeň Jindřich Chatrný - Exhibition of Contemporary Culture 1928 Dagmar Černoušková and Jindřich Chatrný - Colony New House Rostislav Koryčánek - Brno City of Fairs Lenka Štěpánková - Development of the Exhibition Center after 1958 Jiří Smetana - The Origin and Development of the BVV Company Michal Sedláček - Urban Planning Competition for the Development of the BVV Area
+ Wild Card
The event is held in cooperation with the House of Arts of the City of Brno, BAM - Brno Architectural Manual, PRAHA / Forum for Architecture and Media, and the Re:publika 2018 festival