Perfect appearance and health protection with the new generation of Ceresit MicroProtect grouting materials and silicones in a residential building in Brno
This year, a new generation of Ceresit MicroProtect grouting materials and silicones from Henkel has entered the market, consisting of cement-based grouting materials (Ceresit CE 40 Aquastatic and Ceresit CE 43 Grand’Elit) and sanitary silicone (Ceresit CS 25 Sanitary).
This year, a new generation of Ceresit MicroProtect grouting materials and silicones from Henkel has entered the market, consisting of cement-based grouting materials (Ceresit CE 40 Aquastatic and Ceresit CE 43 Grand’Elit) and sanitary silicone (Ceresit CS 25 Sanitary).
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