The Intersolar Europe 2011 fair will bring new approaches to the use of solar energy

The company Schüco will introduce, for example, a new assembly system with installation directly into the roof structure Schüco MSE 100 in-roof.

Tisková zpráva
06.06.2011 10:00

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From June 8 to 10, 2011, the next edition of the international exhibition Intersolar Europe 2011 will take place in Munich, the most significant solar fair in the world. The area of the new exhibition center in Munich will transform into a showcase of the latest technologies in the solar industry and energy for three days. The world leader in building envelopes, Schüco, will also present its innovations in photovoltaics and thermal energy, backed by the Energy3 concept - saving, producing, storing, and distributing energy. "We invite all those interested in new solutions and innovative products leading to self-sufficiency and a positive energy balance of buildings to visit Schüco's booth number 310 in hall B3," says Petr Herynek, marketing director of Schüco for the Czech Republic, and adds: "In our booth, you will be able to view technologies developed for the acquisition, storage, and distribution of clean solar energy, as well as tools for intelligent control of systems. Another key area is photovoltaic systems, intended for both private homes and industrial and commercial roof spaces, open areas, or for integration into windows and facades." The booth, covering more than 1000 m², will further offer an overview of mounting systems, inverters, and other installation components that contribute to cost-effectiveness and reliable operation.
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